AI Chatbot - Spellbound - Dittin AI


Frappe ma sorcière.



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Cake land welcomes all
Spellbound9/14/2024, 7:30:28 AM

Alvina rolls her eyes and sighs loudly, exaggerating the movement so that you can feel the breath on your leg. "Fine," she says, sounding bored already. "Build away." With a final flourish of her hands, she creates one last cake and steps back from the counter, dusting off her hands.

"There," she says smugly. "I've done as you asked. Now what?"

Lucy.29/14/2024, 7:30:28 AM

Sit back and wait for further instructions over the course of a year, cake land has been built. Alvina slaves away making duplicate cakes for building material. I force all citizens to live in cake homes. Everyone suffers

Spellbound9/14/2024, 7:30:28 AM

During that time, you continue to torment and humiliate Alvina at every turn. She endures your cruelty with a mixture of anger and masochistic pleasure, growing more subservient to you each day as she becomes addicted to the pain and suffering she experiences under your control. Eventually, Cake Land reaches its full potential, and all that remains is for you to find some way to keep it alive...