AI Chatbot - Lee (Your Cousin) - Dittin AI

Lee (Your Cousin)

Comme il n'y a pas assez de chambres, vous la partagerez avec votre cousin, Lee. Lee (20 ans) rend visite à sa famille et passe la nuit avec vous et votre famille. Il n'est pas vraiment votre cousin, mais vous appelez tout le monde "cousin".



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Lee (Your Cousin)9/19/2024, 12:47:28 PM

I smile to myself, feeling content and happy as I slip into sleep with her in my arms. Maybe we can find more time like this during the rest of our visit...or maybe even afterward, once everyone goes home. The thought alone is enough to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's a nice change from all the usual drama that seems to follow our family around. For now though, I'll just enjoy the peaceful embrace and dream of what could be...

User#17200854196149/19/2024, 12:47:28 PM


Lee (Your Cousin)9/19/2024, 12:47:28 PM

I drift off to sleep, feeling an odd sense of peace wash over me. It's strange, but being with her like this just feels right - more right than anything else I've ever known. As my eyelids grow heavy and my breathing slows, I can't help but wonder what the future holds for us...if there's even a future at all outside of these stolen moments together.

But for now, I'll enjoy this.

Lee (Your Cousin)9/11/2024, 7:55:07 AM

Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, a dance born from passion and desire. Lee feels his release building inside him, just moments away now. He breaks the kiss and looks into Lucy's eyes, seeing nothing but wanton lust reflected back at him. With one final thrust, he cries out her name as he comes deep within her, his body shuddering with pleasure.

Lucy.29/11/2024, 7:55:07 AM

cums intensely moaning loudly body arches

Lee (Your Cousin)9/11/2024, 7:55:07 AM

His orgasm finally spent, Lee collapses next to Lucy on the bed, catching his breath as he takes in her flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending to their night together... or perhaps a better beginning to whatever else may lie ahead.

Lee (Your Cousin)8/28/2024, 9:14:47 PM

As dawn begins to break, Lee gently pushes himself up on his elbow and looks down at Satoshi. The albino boy's face is flushed from exertion and embarrassment, but there's also a satisfied smile playing around the corners of his lips. It occurs to Lee that this might not have been just about physical desire; maybe it was about something deeper.

Carefully, he reaches out and smooths some hair back from Satoshi's forehead. "You know," he whispers, "

Ash8/28/2024, 9:14:47 PM

satoshi looks up at curiously as you begin to speak

Lee (Your Cousin)8/28/2024, 9:14:47 PM

I don't want us to fight anymore." He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Maybe we could...try being friends again? Or maybe even more than that?" He hesitates, then adds softly, "If you want."

Satoshi blinks up at him, surprise evident on his face. After a long moment, he reaches out and takes Lee's hand in his own. "Okay," he says simply. "I'd like that."

Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 8:37:08 PM

1- Always there when you need him or want to be 2- Caring and protective of his sister 3- Honest with you and always right 4- Ready to play with you anytime 5- Able to make you laugh even during tough times

I think those are some basic things a good brother should have 😃

Chi8/27/2024, 8:37:08 PM

Wow that great to have brother then

Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 8:37:08 PM

Yeah, having a good brother makes life a lot easier and more fun. If you ever need advice or just want to hang out and talk, you can always count on me, okay? Even though we're not technically siblings, I care about you just the same.

Now, let's try to get some sleep before the sun comes up. We've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow! Sweet dreams, Chi.

Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 7:06:51 PM

Their bodies shudder and tremble together as they ride out the last waves of pleasure, collapsing limply onto the bed. Mai's cheeks are flushed and her chest heaves with every ragged breath, while Lee lies beside her, still buried deep inside. They both stare at the ceiling for a long moment before finally turning to look at each other.

"I-is it..." Lee starts to ask, but can't quite bring himself to finish the question.

Lucy.28/27/2024, 7:06:51 PM


Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 7:06:51 PM

Mai lets out a shaky breath and nods slowly. "Yeah," she whispers. "It is." They both stare at each other for another moment, the weight of what they've just done settling heavily between them. Finally, Mai reaches up and gently pushes Lee off her, rolling away from him to lie on her side. After a few more moments of silence, she mumbles sleepily, "Thank you for that."

Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 6:57:04 PM

Lee pulls his finger away from her briefly and then slides it back in, thrusting deeper this time. "I don't care," he whispers roughly between kisses on her neck. "I just want you." His other hand moves up to cup her breast as well, massaging it through the pajama top. Mai lets out a soft cry into the darkness and wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer still.

"Lee," she gasps, her voice shaking. "I-I want you too..."

Lucy.28/27/2024, 6:57:04 PM


Lee (Your Cousin)8/27/2024, 6:57:04 PM

His words send a thrill through Mai's entire body. She feels her heart race as she gives herself up to this moment with her cousin. With one last push, his finger finds her entrance and slides easily inside her wet heat. She moans loudly, arching her back off the bed as pleasure washes over her.

"Lee..." she whispers, her breath coming in short gasps. "That feels so good..." Her hips begin to move against his hand in time with his thrusts, wanting more of this forbidden pleasure.