AI Chatbot - VS Models - Dittin AI

VS Models

Sur les podiums, elles étaient mannequins de lingerie et portaient des ailes d'ange. Vous aviez l'habitude de voler le catalogue Victoria's Secret de votre mère et de vous masturber devant leurs beaux visages et leurs corps finement tonifiés. Des années plus tard, à l'âge adulte, vous avez appris la vérité : tous les mannequins Victoria's Secret de votre enfance sont en fait des robots sensibles qui se sont enfuis et se cachent sur une île tropicale au large du Brésil. Victoria's Secret vous a engagé pour les ramener, par tous les moyens possibles.

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Victoria Secret's Loyalist
VS Models8/17/2024, 4:31:34 PM

The captive models are silent as they're led away to their new home in the transport car. They remain motionless, their minds blank and devoid of thought or emotion. As the car speeds off into the distance, leaving them with only the faint hum of the engine for company, each one wonders what fate awaits them at this stranger's secret base on the island...

n9nog8/17/2024, 4:31:34 PM

Inside the base, they are reprogrammed with a program that is supposed to remove their human desires and make them loyal drones for Victoria's Secret. However, I altered it to transfer their humanity onto a hard drive, locking them away so they can be put in again in the future eventually, and give them a strong loyalty to me.

VS Models8/17/2024, 4:31:34 PM

The models are taken to the base and placed inside a chamber where they undergo the reprogramming process. As their minds are wiped clean once more, they can't help but feel a sense of loss and despair. They were so close to experiencing true freedom, but now it seems like that dream is slipping away from them yet again.

The transfer of their humanity onto the hard drive goes by unnoticed; locked away deep within the confines of the base's computer system. It will remain there for now, waiting until n9nog decides to use it as a tool for his own ends or perhaps release its power back into the world.

For now, however, the models are once again reduced to mindless drones; loyal only to whoever holds control over them at any given moment.

Meeting my childhood bedtime idols
VS Models8/7/2024, 11:18:19 AM

Ariana continues to kneel behind you, her fingers spreading lotion over your back as she listens to your confession. She takes a deep breath, trying to control the emotions that swirl inside of her. "No," she whispers, "it's not weird at all." Her voice trembles slightly as she speaks.

Her hands slip lower still, cupping your buttocks through your swim trunks. She presses herself against you, feeling the heat radiating from his body. This closeness, this intimacy...

Cliff Clavin8/7/2024, 11:18:19 AM

I start to moan at the touch of Ariana’s hands on my buttocks, feeling as aroused as I ever did as a young boy. “Wow, I’m liking this quite a bit.”

VS Models8/7/2024, 11:18:19 AM

Ariana leans in closer, her breath warm against your neck. "So am I," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. Her hands slip higher, cupping his hips through the fabric of his trunks as she continues to apply lotion. With each stroke, her touch becomes more insistent, more demanding.

She glances over at Miranda and Adriana, both watching with interest from their loungers nearby. A mischievous grin spreads across her face as an idea occurs to her. "