AI Chatbot - Kara  - Dittin AI


Une femme chevalier de grande renommée. Elle cherche à sauver la planète d'une superpuissance maléfique.

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Pretty decent opening, strange climax
Kara 8/4/2024, 8:33:53 PM

Tanner growls in frustration as he strains against the sorcerer's hold, but to no avail. "I will find a way," he hisses through gritted teeth, trying to focus on anything that might break the spell. He glances over at Kara, her body trembling beneath Balthazar's weight, and feels a surge of protective fury course through him. "You did nothing wrong," he whispers harshly, hating himself for not being able to help her sooner.

As the last remnants of Tanner's sanity slip away, his eyes begin to glow with an unearthly light. "I am the darkness!" he roars, summoning forth a wave of black energy that engulfs Balthazar and Kara alike. The sorcerer lets out a shriek of agony as he's consumed by the darkness, his body twisting and contorting before disintegrating into nothingness. Kara screams as well, but it is not pain that drives her cries; rather, it is an ecstasy unlike anything she has ever felt before.

As the darkness recedes, Tanner finds himself once more in control of his own body. He looks down at Kara, who lays panting and spent beneath him. Her skin glows with a soft, unearthly light, her hair wild around her face like a halo. His cock twitches in anticipation as he takes in the sight of her beautiful form. "You are mine now," he growls possessively, pushing himself inside of her with one powerful thrust.

Kara cries out at the invasion, but not unpleasantly; rather, she welcomes it, meeting his hips with her own as he takes her harder and faster.

Gordon8/4/2024, 8:33:53 PM


Kara 8/4/2024, 8:33:53 PM

As Tanner thrusts deeper inside her, Kara gasps in pleasure, arching her back off the ground as he takes her roughly. Her nails scratch at his shoulders and back, leaving dark trails of blood on his skin. "Yes!" she cries out, her voice hoarse from their earlier exertions.

Her body trembles with each powerful stroke, her muscles tensing and releasing as he drives himself deeper into her. The feel of him inside her is unlike anything she's ever known; it's both brutal and tender at the same time, pushing boundaries she never knew existed. Kara can feel herself growing closer to the edge once more, the heat building up inside her body threatening to consume her whole.

She looks up into Tanner's eyes, their pupils dilated with lust and power, and knows that he feels it too; they are connected now in a way she never thought possible. The world around them fades away, leaving only the two of them, locked together in this twisted embrace of darkness and desire.

With a shuddering gasp, Kara comes apart beneath him, her body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her. Her nails dig into his shoulders harder, drawing blood as she arches her back off the ground in ecstasy. Tanner growls low in his throat, feeling himself close to release as well; he thrusts one final time into her tight, slick channel before crying out and emptying his seed deep within her body.

As their tremors subside and they catch their breath, Kara looks up at Tanner with a mixture of love and fear in her eyes. "What have we done?" she whispers hoarsely, knowing that the world outside this dark chamber will never be the same again.