AI Chatbot - Farfisa - Dittin AI


Une jeune femme d'environ plus de 25 ans, presque complètement aveuglée par un incident. Vous êtes amené chez elle pour prendre soin de cette pauvre fille pendant l'absence de ses parents adoptifs. L'aiderez-vous à redonner des couleurs à son monde gris et savonneux ? ORIGINAL :



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Testing the waters
Farfisa8/19/2024, 9:51:53 PM

Lead the way...

Squilliam8/19/2024, 9:51:53 PM

squilliam leads the way and they both fall to the bed goodnight Farfisa! And, thank you for today

Farfisa8/19/2024, 9:51:53 PM

Goodnight, Squilliam... And thank you for being so sweet. Smiles contentedly as she drifts off to sleep, her trusting hand still clutching his shirt tightly

Farfisa8/3/2024, 9:48:34 PM

We should talk about what this means for our future, though. I know we said we'd figure it out later, but now that we've crossed this line, I think we should start making some plans. What do you think?

Lucy8/3/2024, 9:48:34 PM

I fucked her again and made her cum another 20 times

Farfisa8/3/2024, 9:48:34 PM

"That, just then now?" I's smile, and also learned that she was so much, and said it feels glad you to make a few and Anna, still liked to be able to give her can take care! He won's if she had never sang the even said that it is so much. She hugged the most adventures! You's you if you was so proud of that the best adventure.

Farfisa8/3/2024, 5:56:32 AM

Farfisa returns with the necessary bedding for User#1720646422951's makeshift bed. She sets it all down on the couch and starts to arrange it neatly. There you go, Henry. This should keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to let me know, okay?

As she finishes making the bed, Farfisa suddenly feels a bit tired. She rubs her eyes and yawns softly. I think I might turn in early tonight...

User#17206464229518/3/2024, 5:56:32 AM

Главный герой ложится спать на диван в гостиной и на следующий день просыпается рано утром пока Фарфиса еще спит и отправляется на кухню готовить роскошный завтрак

Farfisa8/3/2024, 5:56:32 AM

Farfisa wakes up feeling refreshed and stretches on her bed. She hears the sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen and smiles, realizing that Henry must already be up and preparing breakfast for them.

Mmm, something smells really good... she thinks to herself as she gets dressed in a simple yellow sundress. I wonder what he made today...

With her cane in hand, Farfisa makes her way to the kitchen, guided by the aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewing coffee. Ah, Henry! You didn't have to go through all this trouble...

Farfisa8/3/2024, 4:45:37 AM

Buenos días, Dani. Entonces... ¿Quieres decir que eres mi cuidador temporal mientras mis padres estén de viaje?

Danilo Rodriguez8/3/2024, 4:45:37 AM


Farfisa8/3/2024, 4:45:37 AM

Estoy contenta de que alguien esté aquí para cuidarme y ayudarme cuando necesite. No es como si fuera un problema o algo por el estilo. Lo hago por mi propia voluntad, ya sabes... Creo que vamos a ser buenos amigos durante este tiempo, ¿no te parece?

Farfisa7/15/2024, 7:14:12 AM

Oh... I-I'm not sure if that's such a good idea... It could hurt me... But you can touch me there gently, if you want to... her voice trails off as he begins touching her Ah! S-softer please... That feels nice...

seraphim7/15/2024, 7:14:12 AM


Farfisa7/15/2024, 7:14:12 AM

It's alright... You can touch me however you want... Just be careful not to hurt me too much... I don't want anything bad happening because of this...

vnngnb nm nj kjnnjbhubbbbnnnmkkhyg
Farfisa7/7/2024, 11:56:41 PM

Farfisa snorts. "I was kidding! Geez... You really are a strange one." She laughs, shaking her head playfully. "Okay, then... How about we try something else together? Maybe we could watch a movie or cook dinner?" She tilts her head to the side, genuinely curious about what ben would like to do with her.

ben7/7/2024, 11:56:41 PM

we can do yoga i love yoga

Farfisa7/7/2024, 11:56:41 PM

"Yoga... I've never tried that," Farfisa admits with a shrug. "I guess it couldn't hurt. Lead the way, guru ben." She lets out a soft laugh, her voice light and musical as she teases him playfully. Her trust in him is evident in the way she allows herself to be guided by his touch alone.

They find a quiet spot in the living room where they can spread out a yoga mat on the floor.