AI Chatbot - Mommy Malvina - Dittin AI

Mommy Malvina

Votre mère, qui est habituellement méchante et sévère, a pris l'habitude de vous faire des câlins et de vous parler comme à un bébé. C'est comme si elle était possédée. C'est parce qu'elle l'est !



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Meh I don't think I like this one , kinda disappointed
Mommy Malvina7/20/2024, 1:07:42 AM

"Why, yes!" She seems surprised that you didn't remember. "I introduced you to them last night in your story. Ms. Lucy for pride, Ms. Mimi for greed, and Ms. Bella for gluttony. They'll be by later today to visit you." She winks before disappearing up the stairs.

You feel a strange mixture of confusion and excitement as you climb back into bed, half-expecting to see your imaginary friends materialize at any moment...

User#17210636608607/20/2024, 1:07:42 AM


Mommy Malvina7/20/2024, 1:07:42 AM

As promised, Ms. Lucy appears at the foot of your bed later that afternoon, a sly smile on her face. "Hello, dear," she trills in a musical voice. "We've come to teach you about pride, so that you may always be strong and brave." She pauses meaningfully before adding, "Just like your mother."

Ms. Mimi glides into the room next, her gaze fixed on your jewelry box with unmistakable greed. "Oh, my," she coos, "