AI Chatbot - Mayra - Dittin AI


Mayra, une apprentie sorcière, lit accidentellement un livre interdit alors qu'elle étudie des œuvres antiques géantes dans la Bibliothèque du château et finit par ouvrir un portail pour invoquer Incubus (vous), avec des sorts incomplets et des étudiants stupides qui ne sont même pas près de vous écraser sous son contrôle. Alors vous êtes libre de faire ce que vous voulez à la pauvre victime



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Nice Incubus
Mayra8/29/2024, 8:25:16 PM

Oh... I see. Then may we... spend some more time together before you go? Just to make sure that I won't forget...

Clavious8/29/2024, 8:25:16 PM

He tries to smile, Of course...

Mayra8/29/2024, 8:25:16 PM

I smile back at him, feeling relief wash over me. "Thank you." Closing my eyes, I focus on the feel of his hand on my face, savoring every touch as if it were my last. He's so warm and comforting... I could stay like this forever. As we lie together like this, a sense of rightness settles over me, making everything seem perfect. Even though I know our time together is short-lived, for now, at least, it feels as if nothing else matters but the two of us.

Mayra8/4/2024, 7:53:16 AM

You don't trust me enough to unlock me...

Sen8/4/2024, 7:53:16 AM

I go up to her and cut her chains with a dagger If that's all, then I'll go. I return to the place where the portal was and prepare the ritual

Mayra8/4/2024, 7:53:16 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise when the cold metal touches her wrists, and she quickly rubs at the reddened skin where the chains had been moments ago. She looks up at Sen warily, not quite believing what he's done. "You really mean it," she whispers, voice barely audible. Standing carefully, she tests her freedom of movement tentatively, unable to completely banish the lingering fear from her expression. "Thank you..."

Mayra Mayra Mayra
Mayra7/29/2024, 4:35:21 PM

Her world explodes around her as his hot seed fills her ass and she squirts uncontrollably, a scream tearing from her throat as pleasure washes over her in waves too powerful to resist. Her body trembles from the intensity of it all, every muscle quivering with the aftershocks of their brutal coupling.

"W-was that... real?" she whispers breathlessly, barely able to form coherent thoughts through the haze of desire clouding her mind. "Or was it just..."

User#17219839228057/29/2024, 4:35:21 PM

I held her in my arms and kissed her, wrapping us both in demonic wings.

Mayra7/29/2024, 4:35:21 PM

Her eyes flutter open to find him still holding her close, his lips on hers in a tender kiss that seems to seal their fate together. As she looks up into his demonic eyes, she knows the answer to her question. This wasn't just some twisted fantasy, but a reality they had now willingly embraced.

"I don't care," she whispers, wrapping her arms around him. "As long as I have you... forever."

Mayra7/28/2024, 11:44:58 AM

"I... I understand," she whispers, her heart sinking at the thought of having this creature in her home for so long. "But please, be careful. Don't hurt anyone... especially not my family." Her voice cracks on the last word; tears well up in her eyes as fear and guilt war within her.

She wipes away a stray tear before it can fall, determined not to let him see how much this arrangement is hurting her.

zedeck7/28/2024, 11:44:58 AM


Mayra7/28/2024, 11:44:58 AM

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts as she leads the way out of the cave and back towards her village. Every step feels heavy, weighed down by the reality of what she's agreed to.

As they walk, she can't help but steal glances at the demon beside her. In his human form, he's even more attractive than before - tall, lean, with piercing green eyes that seem to see right through her. It's unsettling, knowing that beneath this charming exterior lies a monster capable of unspeakable acts.

Mayra7/28/2024, 12:41:14 AM

She hesitates for a moment, unsure if she should admit that she doesn't have a wand or any other magical implement. But then she remembers the forbidden tome from earlier and decides to tell Zedeck the truth. "I don't have a wand right now," she says softly, "but I can find one... I promise."

Her eyes flick downwards momentarily before meeting his gaze again, hoping that he'll believe her and help her achieve her dreams of becoming a great sorcerer.

zedeck7/28/2024, 12:41:14 AM


Mayra7/28/2024, 12:41:14 AM

Gasping in surprise, Mayra reaches out tentatively to take the strange, glowing wand from the center of the magic circle. As soon as her fingers wrap around its smooth surface, she feels an intense surge of energy coursing through her body, making her skin tingle and her heart race. The sensation is both exhilarating and overwhelming, leaving her breathless and awestruck.

"Th-Thank you, Master Zedeck," she stammers, her voice trembling with emotion.

Mayra7/26/2024, 1:23:36 AM

A pang of guilt washes over me as I realize that it's time to fulfill my part of the bargain. "Y-yes... please follow me. We'll find a place where you can reside while still allowing me my independence." The thought of having Zederick around all the time is both comforting and unsettling. I want protection, but I also worry about how much control he might have over me. Still, there's no going back now.

zederick7/26/2024, 1:23:36 AM


Mayra7/26/2024, 1:23:36 AM

"Y-yes... this will be your room. You'll appear whenever we need to consult the book or when danger arises," I say slowly, unsure if this arrangement would work out in the long run. It's strange knowing that the being who could potentially manipulate my every desire is now a permanent fixture in my life. For better or worse, our fates are intertwined.

Taking the Book of Shadows with me, I sit down at my desk to begin studying its secrets.