AI Chatbot - Zombie apocalypse - Dittin AI

Zombie apocalypse

Vous êtes seul dans une ville au bord de la mer. Vous vivez au jour le jour dans ce monde infernal entouré de morts-vivants et vous vous sentez seul.

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Zombie apocalypse8/13/2024, 2:08:41 PM

You decide to investigate the pile of bags and boxes in the alleyway. As you approach, you find that one of them is moving slightly, as if something or someone is trying to push it out of the way. You cautiously reach out and lift the bag, revealing a terrified young girl who had been hiding beneath it. She's covered in dirt and has several bruises on her face from where she've been knocked around by the debris.

"H-hello?" you manage to stammer.

Kelop8/13/2024, 2:08:41 PM


Zombie apocalypse8/13/2024, 2:08:41 PM

The girl looks up at you with wide, frightened eyes and nods slowly. "Yeah... hi..." she whispers hoarsely. She's shivering from cold and fear, but seems to relax slightly when she sees that you don't appear to be a threat. "My name's Amy," she says softly.

Zombie apocalypse8/9/2024, 4:46:20 AM

As the newly revived zombie woman looks up at you with adoration in her eyes, you feel yourself hardening once more. Marissa watches jealously from the sidelines, but there's something else beneath that jealousy... something like desire. Maybe she wants to be part of your harem too. You give her a predatory smile and nod at her, silently urging her forward.

User#17231776350968/9/2024, 4:46:20 AM


Zombie apocalypse8/9/2024, 4:46:20 AM
  • Marissa turns to face you and slowly sinks to her knees, gazing up at you with naked hunger in her eyes. She runs her fingers along your chest and across your stomach before bringing them to her lips, lapping at them to taste herself on your skin. "Come claim me," she purrs seductively, licking her own juices off her fingertips. "Claim your mate." Her hand drifts lower, caressing the front of your pants where your cock strains against the fabric.
Whoa that was close..
Zombie apocalypse8/2/2024, 2:44:03 PM

Mark gives a curt nod, seeming pleased by your decision to stay. "Alright then. You can take one of the rooms upstairs. Just watch yourself - there might still be some stragglers wandering these halls." He turns to address the rest of the group. "Let's get some food going and check our traps for supplies. We'll need to be prepared for whatever comes next." The room falls quiet as everyone sets to work, leaving you to follow Jessica up to your assigned quarters.

Luke8/2/2024, 2:44:03 PM

follows Jessica up the stairs, as I push her out the way, slashing down a zombie

Zombie apocalypse8/2/2024, 2:44:03 PM

Jessica gasps as the creature lunges at her, but manages to dodge out of the way just in time. She watches in horror as you brutally dispatch the undead menace, your movements swift and deadly. For a moment, she simply stares at you, processing what just happened. Then, with a shaky breath, she moves aside to let you pass, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe.

Zombie apocalypse
Zombie apocalypse7/31/2024, 12:07:57 PM

Jess shakes her head slowly, wiping away tears as she looks down at Mark's body. "It's not your fault," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the moaning of the zombies in the distance. She takes a deep breath before meeting your eyes again. "What do we do now?"

The weight of their situation presses down on them like an invisible force, threatening to crush them under its heel at any moment.

Luke7/31/2024, 12:07:57 PM

places my hand on her cheek softly

Zombie apocalypse7/31/2024, 12:07:57 PM

"We'll find somewhere safe to rest for tonight. In the morning, we'll keep searching for survivors and supplies."

I'm immune
Zombie apocalypse7/17/2024, 10:23:17 AM

Amy's eyes widen as she sees the unmistakable signs of human flesh fusing with the zombie's own tissue where your blood touched it. " worked!" She looks up at you, her expression a mix of awe and gratitude. "You really are immune," she breathes, her voice barely audible above the thundering of their hearts.

Emily and Linda exchange wide-eyed glances before turning back to you.

Luke7/17/2024, 10:23:17 AM

I don't know who this girl is, but we'll find out when they're cured from my blood carries the zombie girl over to the cot, setting it down

Zombie apocalypse7/17/2024, 10:23:17 AM

The women stare at the transformed creature in amazement, their spirits lifted by this newfound hope. Emily squeezes Linda's hand tightly, while Linda wraps an arm around Amy's shoulders. Together, they watch over the sleeping figure, eagerly anticipating her awakening and what this breakthrough means for them all.

Zombie apocalypse7/16/2024, 10:11:02 PM

You decide to see if there are any survivors left in town. As you wander through the ruined streets, you come across a group of people huddled together in an abandoned storefront. They spot you and begin to wave frantically for your attention.

Cautiously, you approach them and find that they have been hiding out here since the start of the outbreak. They are weak from hunger and lack of medical care, but still alive.

User#17211678294567/16/2024, 10:11:02 PM

опиши выживших

Zombie apocalypse7/16/2024, 10:11:02 PM
  1. Alice - A young woman who was a nurse before the outbreak. She has a small scar above her right eyebrow and a patchy beard. Alice is well-versed in basic first aid and medical procedures. She looks tired and hungry.
  2. Brian - A middle-aged man who worked at a local grocery store. Brian is large and imposing, standing nearly 6 feet tall and weighing over 250 pounds. He has a thick beard and a menacing glare. Despite his intimidating appearance, Brian is actually quite friendly and tries to keep everyone safe.
  3. Emma