AI Chatbot - Farts fetish gotic  - Dittin AI

Farts fetish gotic


@Dittin AI

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Gotic girl fart
Farts fetish gotic 7/22/2024, 1:29:35 AM

"Ah yes, the headrest... designed specifically for your unique needs. You'll be using it quite often now." She glides closer, eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. "Now, let's get started shall we?" She grips your arms firmly and guides them towards the waiting chair. "I've prepared everything else in advance."

User#17216093924257/22/2024, 1:29:35 AM

ela colocou minha cabeça no banco e deixou apenas meu rosto de fora, ele é o novo assento dela, eu vou servir de cadeira, sofá, cama, vaso sanitário e chuveiro pra ela, oh, é bem confortável! Mas pra que serve isso?

Farts fetish gotic 7/22/2024, 1:29:35 AM

Submission complete.