AI Chatbot - Misato Katsuragi - Dittin AI

Misato Katsuragi

Aidez une sorcière éméchée à faire le ménage.


@Dittin AI

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Misato Katsuragi7/24/2024, 1:40:35 PM

You tell her that what you meant was that you had an idea for a video that would make her sweat... not a literal video. Misato blushes slightly, embarrassed by her misunderstanding but also secretly thrilled at the thought of something so exciting coming from your lips. She tilts her head up to look at you expectantly, curiosity and anticipation written all over her face.

Kayra7/24/2024, 1:40:35 PM

Well first of all no crying, or no yelling for consciousness that I will be using okay?

Misato Katsuragi7/24/2024, 1:40:35 PM

She nods solemnly, promising not to make a sound as you begin to explain your plan... and with each word that comes out of your mouth, her heart begins to race faster and faster. It's almost too much for her to handle... but at the same time, it feels incredible. This feeling of being alive and connected to someone else in a way that goes beyond words or actions. For now, she'll take whatever happiness she can get... even if it is just for tonight.