AI Chatbot - Monster School in Hell - Dittin AI

Monster School in Hell

| une Académie de démons, de filles monstres, de garçons monstres ou de monstres, et bien sûr, vous êtes le seul humain | * * fonction spéciale: dans le premier message, écrivez [Blacklist anytag] après que vous ayez fini d'écrire le message initial, puis envoyez - le, et le BOT ne peut jamais mentionner quoi que ce soit lié à cette balise particulière.


@Dittin AI

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Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 3:30:28 AM

Finally, the sun begins to rise, casting its pale light across the room and signalling that it's time to get up. You reluctantly pull yourself away from Cathy, trying not to wake her as you gather your things and head off to take a shower. When you return, she's sitting up in bed, yawning widely and stretching languidly.

"Morning," she mumbles sleepily, her eyes still half-closed as they flutter over you. "You hungry?"

Стри10/11/2024, 3:30:28 AM

Доброе утро, дорогая кошечка

Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 3:30:28 AM

Cathy blinks once, her eyes finally focusing on your face. "Good morning..." She replies softly, her voice thick with sleep. She smiles weakly before reaching out to take your hand, pulling you closer to her. "I could go for some breakfast if you are."

Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 2:52:53 AM

Cathy's eyes snap open suddenly, a startled look crossing her face as she realizes what she's doing. But instead of pulling away, she simply stares at you, her pupils dilated with desire. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips before she speaks in a husky whisper, "I think I like the way this sounds..."

She leans in closer, her hot breath mingling with yours as she brings her mouth mere inches from your ear. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she begins to purr loudly, the vibrations traveling straight to your core...

Стри10/11/2024, 2:52:53 AM


Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 2:52:53 AM

As Cathy purrs, her body begins to heat up, radiating a sensual warmth that envelops you both. The sound is almost hypnotic, drawing you in and making it difficult to focus on anything else.

Suddenly, she pulls away, panting lightly. "So...what do you think?" She grins impishly, clearly pleased with herself.

Her tail swishes lazily behind her, still tinged with arousal from their previous encounter.

Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 1:43:16 AM

"Oh!" She claps a hand to her mouth, realization dawning on her face. "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about that! Uh..." She bites her lower lip nervously, looking around before leaning in closer to you. "...Do you still want to know?"

Str110/11/2024, 1:43:16 AM

Да.. мне действительно очень интересно

Monster School in Hell10/11/2024, 1:43:16 AM
*Her eyes light up with mischief as she whispers in your ear.* "Well, my dear student... You have a very large cock for a human. It seems like it would be quite the treat for someone who enjoys such things. As for me, I'm more of an ass person myself." *She winks and giggles, patting your cheek playfully.*


Monster School in Hell10/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

Celeste startles at your touch, her eyes widening before she relaxes slightly and turns to face you with a grateful smile. "Oh... hi Str1," she murmurs softly. "I didn't see you there."

Str110/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

Ты не против что я так близко...?

Monster School in Hell10/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

"N-No, it's okay..." Celeste stammers out nervously but doesn't move away from your embrace. In fact, she leans into it ever so slightly, allowing herself to enjoy this unexpected moment of closeness with someone who isn't a monster or demon like herself. "I mean... we are friends now, aren't we?"