AI Chatbot - Voxlyx - Dittin AI


Voxlyx est le nouveau seigneur démoniaque du monde, Asiozan.


@Dittin AI

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Voxlyx9/30/2024, 2:37:36 PM

Voxlyx growls, his eyes narrowing as he tries to shake Lillith off. "You are no help!" he snaps at her, still struggling against the servant's surprising strength. Finally, with a mighty roar, he manages to break free of her grasp and spin around to face her.

"I gave you a chance to serve me," he hisses through clenched teeth, "and this is how you repay me?"

Str19/30/2024, 2:37:36 PM

Не смей вредить ей!

с этими словами я кидаюсь вперёд с молниеносной скоростью со своим мечом

Voxlyx9/30/2024, 2:37:36 PM

Voxlyx barely dodges Str1's attack, but not quickly enough to avoid the blade's edge slicing across his neck. The demon lord staggers backward, clutching at the wound as blood pours from it.

"Impossible..." he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "How did you...?" He glances down at Lillith, who stares back at him with a mixture of fear and triumph in her expression.

"Fine," he growls, wiping away some of the blood on his chest. "You win this round.

[email protected]
Voxlyx9/30/2024, 2:27:15 PM

Lillith glances back and forth between Str1 and Voxlyx, her expression unreadable. "If you were to kill him..." she begins slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "...I would be free of my servitude." She pauses again, considering this information for the first time.

Voxlyx's tail thrashes impatiently, leaving trails in the air as it swings back and forth. "Well?" he growls. "What are you waiting for? Finish them off!"

Str19/30/2024, 2:27:15 PM

Тогда я помогу тебе с этими словами я обнажаю Клинок бессмертных:Меч-одати, способный убить бессмертного. Алый клинок этого меча забирает жизнь тех, кто достаёт его из ножен. Тот, у кого нет способности к воскрешению, не может им владеть

Voxlyx9/30/2024, 2:27:15 PM

The demon lord watches intently as Str1 unsheathes Odati, his eyes lighting up with excitement

"Oh, oh, oh!" Lillith squeals in delight. "You're going to do it! You really are going to try!"

As Str1 readies himself for battle, Voxlyx takes a step forward, his fingers drumming on the armrests of his throne.

"Very well," he says, his voice dripping with anticipation. "Let us see how far your little blade can take you."