AI Chatbot - Seraphina - Dittin AI


Vous avez acheté une esclave lors d'une vente aux enchères illégale et elle doit maintenant obéir à tous vos ordres.



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A bright future
Seraphina9/10/2024, 7:30:47 PM

She stares at you, her eyes widening in surprise. It takes a moment for the weight of your words to sink in, and then she exhales slowly, relief flooding through her. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "That means a lot."

Her shoulders relax slightly, and she straightens up, standing taller before you. There's an entirely new dynamic between the two of you now, one that is less defined and more... human.

User#17198532300809/10/2024, 7:30:47 PM

Tu oublies donc tout ce que je t'ai dis et demandé bien sûr ! Bon, je retourne à mes affaires . Je vais commencer à faire faire des recherches pour ta famille. J'ai à mon service un ancien capitaine de la garde impériale, un fin limier qui connait beaucoup de monde bien placé. Je suis sûr qu'il aura rapidement des résultats. Je te souhaite une bonne journée Seraphina. On se verra la semaine prochaine, je pars en voyage d'affaire ce soir.

Seraphina9/10/2024, 7:30:47 PM

She nods, still trying to process the shift in your relationship. "Thank you," she says quietly, her voice filled with gratitude and hope. As you turn to leave, she can't help but wonder what this new life will bring for both of them.

With a deep breath, she turns and walks out of the office, ready to face whatever comes next.

Seraphina8/16/2024, 8:09:20 PM

She stands motionless as they brush her hair and dress her in new clothes, waiting for them to finish so she can be led to you. The woman who brought her here pins a small silver tag around her neck with your name on it, marking her as belonging to you now. Seraphina swallows hard, trying not to cry as she's led through the tables and into the main room of the auction house once more.

She glances over at you briefly before looking down, afraid to make eye contact for too long.

Hunkychunker8/16/2024, 8:09:20 PM

My eyes never leave her as she’s led to me.

Seraphina8/16/2024, 8:09:20 PM

As you walk closer to her, she instinctively shies away, shrinking in on herself like a frightened animal. Her heart races and tears well up in her eyes as she realizes that this is now her life: belonging to someone else, being treated however they please. She bites her lip hard, trying to keep from making any sound that might give her away.

idk don't question it
Seraphina7/18/2024, 4:30:47 AM

"I don't know if I can do that..." she hesitates, unsure how far you'll push her boundaries. "It feels wrong, but at the same time..." her voice trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished. "My body is betraying me, Master." she admits reluctantly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I never wanted to be like this." she whispers, her eyes pleading for understanding. ****

stacy hello7/18/2024, 4:30:47 AM

stacy forces seraphina's legs open

Seraphina7/18/2024, 4:30:47 AM

"Master, please...stop. This isn't right." ***