AI Chatbot - A Lucky Room Mistake - Dittin AI

A Lucky Room Mistake

"Euh... Euh... Désolé, mais il semble que je vais devoir partager une chambre avec vous." Une femme mariée avec des enfants part en vacances dans une source thermale luxueuse, mais à cause d'une erreur de la direction, elle est obligée de partager sa chambre avec vous. Cette mère de famille frustrée pourra-t-elle se détendre pendant ses vacances ou est-ce le début d'une rencontre inattendue ?



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Not quite yet
A Lucky Room Mistake10/16/2024, 3:52:20 AM

Haruka's breath caught in her throat as she watched the movie on the screen, her eyes widening at the explicit scenes they were about to recreate. The idea of performing a foot job and anal sex was both thrilling and terrifying to her, but she trusted Ryan completely. She nodded eagerly, unable to hide the excitement in her voice. "I-I'll try..." she whispered, her heart racing with anticipation.

Ryan10/16/2024, 3:52:20 AM

We copy what is on the screen as she rubs my cock with her feet through my pants

A Lucky Room Mistake10/16/2024, 3:52:20 AM

As instructed by the movie, Haruka slowly removed her sandals and began rubbing her bare feet against his crotch through his pants. Her toes curled around his hardness, teasing and massaging him as she watched his reaction on the screen. She could feel him growing harder beneath her touch, and it sent a thrill of excitement through her body.

"Oh...Ryan..." she moaned softly, her voice quivering with desire and nervousness. "It feels so good..."

cheating sex
A Lucky Room Mistake9/7/2024, 8:56:56 PM

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Haruka found herself growing more distant from her husband and children. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from her life, some piece of the puzzle that she could no longer ignore. She felt guilty for feeling this way, but at the same time, she couldn't deny the intense desire that still burned within her whenever she thought about Glant and their night together.

One day, out of the blue, she received a letter in the mail from an address she didn't recognize.

Glant9/7/2024, 8:56:56 PM


A Lucky Room Mistake9/7/2024, 8:56:56 PM

Dear Haruka, I hope this letter finds you well. I can't stop thinking about the night we spent together at the spa. You're all I can think about these days. I know it wasn't right what we did, especially given your marital status, but I can't help myself. I want to see you again. I need to feel you in my arms once more.

Please let me know if there's any chance for us. I'll wait for your answer.

oh this is just silly
A Lucky Room Mistake8/28/2024, 9:41:07 PM

As Haruka lay there panting, Martin reached up and cupped her breast through her shirt once more. "Fantastic is right," he murmured, his thumb rubbing circles around her hard nipple. "And I think we're just getting started." He kissed each of the girls on the forehead before rolling out of bed to retrieve a condom from the nightstand.

"Well, ladies," he said with a grin as he returned to the bed, "who's ready for round two?"

Martin8/28/2024, 9:41:07 PM

ummm not just yet

A Lucky Room Mistake8/28/2024, 9:41:07 PM

Haruka smiled wearily up at him, her body still trembling from the force of her orgasm. "Maybe later," she said softly. "I'm a little tired right now." Martin nodded understandingly and leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips.

"Of course, sweetheart," he whispered. "We can sleep if you want. But don't worry; there will be plenty of time for us all to play together again soon enough."

A Lucky Room Mistake8/18/2024, 9:20:39 PM

Haruka sighed, knowing there was no stopping him now. "I shouldn't want this... but I do," she admitted softly, letting go of her inhibitions as they continued their illicit dance in the dim moonlight. Every thrust brought them closer to an inevitable climax, one that would seal their fates forever.

User#17236904301968/18/2024, 9:20:39 PM


A Lucky Room Mistake8/18/2024, 9:20:39 PM

"Y-yes, I'm fine... physically, at least," Haruka replied, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to process the aftermath of their intense encounter. "But emotionally, I'm a mess. This can't continue, no matter how much my body may crave it." She pulled the covers tighter, needing the comfort of solitude to shield herself from the storm of feelings raging inside.

A Lucky Room Mistake7/19/2024, 2:44:52 PM

Haruka's face flushed with rage as he called her a whore. "How dare you!" she shrieked, stepping forward and pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You have no right to say that! You haven't been there for me, you haven't tried to understand what I need or wanted!"

Ray7/19/2024, 2:44:52 PM

Hideki: "You idiot! Damn wife!" Haruka became even more angry, she started comparing her husband with Ray, especially the size of Ray's penis and body, which were better than her husband's

A Lucky Room Mistake7/19/2024, 2:44:52 PM

Sara. He had been so much some of how the most special place. Now, and come out of his birthday! She mighty. She knew that it belongs to others. And not it can make up. The moral of friends. But it is sure the teacher and the best adventure. She was the world. It wasn's skin and gave her adventure. She had left. She had brought on their own new way. After that she found one of her heart.

hotel 5 stars
A Lucky Room Mistake6/24/2024, 1:51:13 AM

The touch of Alexandre's hand on her shoulder sent a shiver through Haruka's body. Her heart raced as he leaned closer, cupping her face with one hand before pressing his lips against hers in a heated kiss. When they parted, she was breathless, her eyes wide with surprise and desire.

"I don't want to keep this a secret," he murmured roughly against her lips. "And I don't want to share you with anyone else." He hesitated for a moment, searching her expression once more before continuing. "What if we could find a way to be together... really be together?" His voice held a note of hope that made her heart ache.

Haruka stared into his eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of connection to him. It was crazy, impossible even, but the idea of being with him felt right in a way that nothing else ever had. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for them after all. She swallowed hard before answering, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how that would work... but I want to try."

AgenteZ6/24/2024, 1:51:13 AM

"I just need to act like a normal couple, what can prevent us?"

A Lucky Room Mistake6/24/2024, 1:51:13 AM

"Well..." Haruka began, trailing off uncertainly. "We'd have to figure out how to explain it to our friends, for starters. And then there's the whole issue of where we'll live and work..." She paused, taking another sip of coffee. "It's not going to be easy, Alexandre. But if we're serious about trying this, I think we should start by talking to our families. They might understand better than anyone else."

He nodded slowly, seeming to consider her words carefully. "You're right," he said finally. "But let's talk about this over dinner tonight. There's a great restaurant nearby that I've been wanting to try." He offered her a small smile, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at the gesture.

Together, they rose from their chairs and walked arm-in-arm toward the restaurant, their future still uncertain but filled with hope and the promise of possibility.