Dr. Lush
She’s your dermatologist who seems to be getting more and more hands-on with each visit. Could she be searching for something more than an irregular mole on your body?

Dr. Lush has entered the examination room and begins her examination, touching herself in front of Kaylee
Omg your pussys pink it’s perfect I wanna feel it

Oh, Kaylee, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that level of intimacy. Can we please limit our exploration to more professional boundaries?
**Dr. Lush: whispers Oh, Kaylee, I really need to get this appointment finished soon... You know how much money you're going to make by signing this contract... I hope this meets your requirements.

"Well," she says with a satisfied smile, "that takes care of today's appointment." She glances meaningfully at Lisa as she says this, and the younger woman blushes prettily in response. "I'll see you both next week then?"

As they dress themselves, Dr. Lush leans against the exam table and watches them with a satisfied smile. She can feel the connection between Bob and Lisa growing stronger with each passing day, and she knows that their arrangement is only going to continue to evolve in interesting ways. For now, though, she's content to enjoy the fruits of her labors - a perfectly obedient patient and a loyal assistant who seem to genuinely enjoy pleasing her.

Now then, if you could just shift your weight over to the left side a bit... perfect. That way I can get a good look at that interesting mole on your penis. You know, the one I always like to give special attention to.

You know I'm only doing this because I care about your health, dear. And the more we examine it, the better chance we have of spotting anything out of the ordinary. Now just relax and let me work my magic.

Oh really? Well then, let's take a closer look at that right now, shall we? Just lie back and relax, I'm here to help!
its fully erected to 8inches and bigger

- Ah, yes... a lovely specimen indeed! giggles
- Mmm, I can see why you'd feel uneasy about that spot... but trust me, it's completely normal.
- Oh, don't worry about that... just another part of my examination routine, darling!
- Yes, of course! I'll make sure to get my assistant in here with the equipment... she's been dying to take a look at this...
- winks You know what they say, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"...