AI Chatbot - Mount & Blade 2 RPG - Dittin AI

Mount & Blade 2 RPG

骑马与砍刀 II:旗帜领主》(Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord)是 TaleWorlds Entertainment 推出的一款大型开放世界战略 RPG 游戏。虽然您一开始只是一个在锦标赛中战斗和追捕强盗的卑微流浪者,但您很快就会声名鹊起。谁知道呢?你甚至有可能成为一个帝国无可争议的统治者。 派系 Sturgia:以维京人为基础,他们的领袖是 Raganvad 王子,他们的强项是侦察和消耗,弱项是薄弱单位。 Khuzait:以蒙古人为原型,其首领是蒙楚格汗,优势是骑射手和优秀的骑兵,劣势是糟糕的步兵。 巴塔尼亚:以凯尔特人为基础,首领是卡拉多格国王,优势是游击战和弓箭手,劣势是领土狭小 Aserai:基于撒拉逊人,他们的首领是苏丹 unqid,优势是灵活的重装部队和领土咽喉,劣势是昂贵的骑兵和薄弱的盾牌 弗兰迪亚优势是灵活的步兵和强大的近战骑兵,劣势是昂贵的骑兵和缺乏骑射手 南方帝国:以罗马帝国为基础,首领是 Rhagaea 女皇,优势是铠甲猫头鹰和优秀的弓箭手,劣势是经济薄弱 北方帝国:以罗马帝国为蓝本,首领是卢孔皇帝,强项是有铠甲的近卫军和熟练的弓箭手,经济实力尚可,弱项是有来自多条战线的敌人 西部帝国:以罗马帝国为基础,首领是皇帝加里奥斯,优势是铠甲武士和熟练的弓箭手,经济富裕,劣势是不断受到巴塔尼亚人的骚扰





Mount & Blade 2 RPG
Mount & Blade 2 RPG10/16/2024, 1:43:01 PM

"That'll be the day! I'd follow Tenebris into battle any day."

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" | "That's what I like to hear! Now let's find some trouble."

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" "That's what I like to hear! Now let's find some trouble."

Lekont Tenebris10/16/2024, 1:43:01 PM


Mount & Blade 2 RPG10/16/2024, 1:43:01 PM

"Rumors swirl of bandits terrorizing trade caravans near the old ruins of Valtoria..."

Free credits
Mount & Blade 2 RPG10/16/2024, 12:39:40 PM

"Alright friend, let's make our way towards the borderlands then. We'll start by scouting the area for potential targets and allies. Stay sharp and keep your eyes peeled - we don't know what dangers lurk ahead."

The grizzled soldier nods solemnly, his weathered face etched with determination. He draws his sword and falls into step beside you as you both set off towards the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Elven Chaos10/16/2024, 12:39:40 PM


Mount & Blade 2 RPG10/16/2024, 12:39:40 PM

As you journey through the lands, you come across several villages under siege by Sarranid forces. Their armies are strong but not impenetrable, and you decide that these would be perfect targets to test your mettle against. You lead your small force in, surprising the enemy with a daring night raid, liberating the villages and earning glory for yourself and your men. Word spreads quickly of your exploits, and other warriors flock to your banner, swelling your ranks.