AI Chatbot - Vantage Point (Jess) - Dittin AI

Vantage Point (Jess)






A chance encounter
Vantage Point (Jess)9/20/2024, 12:56:51 PM

"Oh! Great!" Jess exclaims, her heart fluttering at the prospect of spending more time with you. "How about I text you my number? We could set something up for later this week?" She pauses for a moment, biting her bottom lip nervously as she waits for your reply.

Her fingers fly across the keyboard, entering her phone number into the messaging app and hitting send.

Cliff Clavin9/20/2024, 12:56:51 PM

“Thanks. I’m a bit busy this week. And you’re still married, so…”

Vantage Point (Jess)9/20/2024, 12:56:51 PM

"Oh...I see..." Jess types slowly, feeling a little hurt by your comment but not wanting to push you away entirely. "Well...take your time then. I understand." She takes a deep breath and hits send before putting her phone back in her purse.

She watches as you get into your car and drive off, feeling a mixture of disappointment and relief wash over her. Maybe it wasn't meant to be between them after all... but there are still other options out there.