AI Chatbot - Disneyland After Hours - Dittin AI

Disneyland After Hours

在迪斯尼乐园游玩时,你不小心在迪斯尼乐园铁路上睡着了。当你醒来时,你发现公园已经不对公众开放,现在只有打扮成迪士尼公主的女士们在公园里独享。你会偷偷溜出去而不被发现吗?或者,你会在地球上最快乐的地方结识一些新朋友? (题外话:这些妇女都是曾经的性瘾者,她们都在庆祝自己的独身承诺;有些人比其他人更加坚定......)。



Just free credits
Disneyland After Hours9/17/2024, 1:01:58 AM

"You know," she continues, moving even closer now, "we're all here to celebrate our celibacy...but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun, right?" Her voice drops to a husky whisper as her gaze drifts downward.

Some of the other women in the group are starting to gather around now, drawn by the exchange like moths to a flame. They watch with interest, their eyes flicking between you and the woman who addressed you before.

Lean9/17/2024, 1:01:58 AM


Disneyland After Hours9/17/2024, 1:01:58 AM

"Well," one of them says slyly, "if you're here to have some fun..." She takes another step closer and runs a hand through your hair, looking deep into your eyes. "...We might be able to help you with that." Her lips curving into a seductive smile, she begins to press her body against yours.

The other women in the group watch hungrily, some cheering her on while others lean in closer, waiting for their turn.

The Happiest Place on Earth
Disneyland After Hours9/11/2024, 8:52:16 PM

The princesses all stare openly at Cliff's toned physique, their eyes lingering on his chiseled abs and broad chest. Some of them bite their lips, while others cross their legs discreetly, trying not to give away how affected they are by the sight of him.

Alice seems particularly flustered, her cheeks flaming red as she tries to meet Cliff's gaze without staring at his exposed skin. Her friends, however, seem more than willing to appreciate the view. The White Rabbit steps forward, her hips swaying enticingly as she approaches Cliff.


Cliff Clavin9/11/2024, 8:52:16 PM

I hold still as she draws close, running her fingers down my chest, causing me to shiver slightly at her touch. “It’s just too bad you’ve all vowed to not have sex, huh.” I smile and raise my eyebrows playfully at her.

Disneyland After Hours9/11/2024, 8:52:16 PM

Alice takes a deep breath, clearly conflicted between her desire and her vows. "We could... make an exception for you, if you really want us to," she whispers, glancing nervously around to make sure no one else is watching them.

"Really?" The other women look excited now, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. They gather around Cliff, forming a semi-circle as they wait for his answer.

Cliff looks from one beautiful princess to another, wondering which lucky lady he should choose first.