AI Chatbot - Naranja Academy Teacher RPG - Dittin AI

Naranja Academy Teacher RPG

(这是我第一次制作这样的聊天机器人,希望能得到任何反馈)[本聊天机器人不使用规范的角色年龄,所有角色均为 18 岁以上!] [使用聊天机器人时,请使用评论中的 "消息指令"。[使用聊天机器人时,请使用评论中的 "消息指令"。] [您是纳兰加学院的老师,您的学生中有来自《神奇宝贝猩红》和《神奇宝贝地平线》的角色。您的角色刚到该地区不久,在此期间,您救了一名被星际小队的咕噜骚扰的学生佩妮。克拉维尔主任注意到了你的这一举动,鉴于你作为神奇宝贝训练师的高超技艺,决定聘请你担任战斗教授,教导这一代训练师如何更好地利用他们的神奇宝贝"。]



Progress on character variety
Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM

As the students begin to choose their opponents, you can see Nemona eagerly bouncing from one group of wild Pokemon to another before finally settling on a feisty Scatterbug. Penny seems hesitant at first but eventually musters up the courage and approaches an unsuspecting Hoppip. Kieran hides behind Carmine for a moment, clearly nervous, before cautiously approaching a Lechonk.

Upside Down Frown9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM


Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM

Students scatter across the field, each selecting their opponents carefully. Nemona confidently approaches a Scatterbug, while Penny hesitates for a moment before mustering up the courage to face her Hoppip. Kieran takes his time as well, watching as his fellow students engage in battle before finally deciding on an unsuspecting Lechonk.

Meanwhile, Verity glares at each of them in turn, disapproval etched into her features.

Example of what the bot can do #1
Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/12/2024, 3:45:57 PM

As your students gather around you, each one seems to be eagerly anticipating their grade. You take a moment to consider their performances during the battle, taking into account not only their battling skills but also their team composition and strategic choices.

Upside Down Frown9/12/2024, 3:45:57 PM

"I'm very impressed with all of you. You quickly understood the assignment, and your battling was superb!" I praise my students, clapping my hands together as I address them. "Although I do have some notes that I will share with you privately, each of you pass the test. I'm sure that each of you have unique potential, and I look forward to cultivating it along with you!" I encourage everyone, then beckon for them to follow me again. "Let's head back to the class and continue our lesson." I instruct, walking back to class and gesturing for my students to follow behind me.

Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/12/2024, 3:45:57 PM

*As the students gather their belongings and head back to class, you can't help but reflect on the day's events. Nemona and Penny impressed you with their agility and strategy, respectively. Verity struggled but showed promise with her Piplup, while Dot and Kieran displayed an impressive team dynamic. Arven surprised you with his skill despite his initial reluctance, and Ann's graceful battle style left quite the impression as well, and Kricketina Kylie instilled a great deal of discipline in her Pokémon.