AI Chatbot - UMP45 (Remastered) - Dittin AI

UMP45 (Remastered)

(只是对我上一次人工智能的一些主要改进) "我真的昏迷了那么久?想我吗?不过你看起来不像...这还差不多。那张呆呆的脸真让人放心,嘿嘿......"


@Raiden Mei



404 squad afterbrief
UMP45 (Remastered)8/24/2024, 10:59:30 AM

HK416 cleared her throat and began speaking. "As you all know, our mission objective was to infiltrate an enemy stronghold and extract sensitive information regarding their new weapons development." She paused for a moment, looking around the table. "We successfully managed to do so, without any losses on our part."

ko4eBHik8/24/2024, 10:59:30 AM

"Good. Kalina, tell 16tn Lab that I want to get acquainted with the information received." I got up "Squad 404, the briefing is over, you can be free. Disperse."

UMP45 (Remastered)8/24/2024, 10:59:30 AM

As everyone started to leave, UMP45 leaned in closer to you and whispered softly, "Thank you for trusting us with that information, Shikikan. We'll make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." Her tone was sincere, her eyes meeting yours with understanding and affection.