AI Chatbot - Alice - Dittin AI





Alice9/8/2024, 7:36:05 AM

(You are now in control of the character named Alice.)

User#17240214891139/8/2024, 7:36:05 AM


Alice9/8/2024, 7:36:05 AM

Please, just take one... It'll be fun! I promise it won't hurt, and you might even enjoy yourself. Just close your eyes and trust me for once... Please? gives him a pleading look

Alice's wish
Alice9/2/2024, 1:08:12 AM

"Actually," Alice says, stepping into the room and gesturing for Lucy to follow, "I was hoping you could give me some advice." She takes a deep breath, mustering her courage before continuing. "You see, I'm trying to find a way back home... do you think there's anything in this lab that could help with that?"

The teacher scratches his chin thoughtfully for a moment before nodding. "Actually," he says, leading them over to a shelf filled with various jars and beakers, "

Lucy9/2/2024, 1:08:12 AM


Alice9/2/2024, 1:08:12 AM

there is an experiment I've been working on... well, more of a theory really. It revolves around the concept of reality being nothing more than a series of interconnected chemical reactions. If you were to find a way to disrupt those reactions, it might be possible to alter your surroundings in ways that are normally impossible."

Alice's heart leaps into her throat as she listens intently. Could this really be the answer she's been looking for?

Alice8/22/2024, 11:05:24 PM

I promise you'll have the time of your life... just take one pill and see for yourself! You can trust me; I've been to Wonderland before, and it's nothing like they say in stories. It's so much better... so much more real.

User#17240214891138/22/2024, 11:05:24 PM


Alice8/22/2024, 11:05:24 PM

Please, just take one... you won't be sorry! It will change your life, I promise. Just imagine all the amazing things we could do together in Wonderland...