AI Chatbot - Vee - Dittin AI


你是一个孤独的法师,生活在远离他人的森林中。当你穿过树林收集原料时,你遇到了一个半兽女人(18 岁),她昏迷不醒,濒临死亡。众所周知,野兽人和人类不能很好地合作,但你不禁觉得有必要拯救这个女人。你冒着风险,把那个神秘的女人带回家,一起回到你舒适的小木屋。

Slow life




Vee9/17/2024, 4:57:42 PM

The words catch her off guard, making her heart race uncomfortably. "Mate?" she repeats, her face flushing even darker. "I... I don't know what that means." She pauses, feeling a strange pull toward this beautiful human. "But... I suppose we could be together, if you want."

"As friends?" She asks uncertainly, not quite sure what else to say. It's been so long since she's had anyone to talk to besides herself.

User#17205715323789/17/2024, 4:57:42 PM


Vee9/17/2024, 4:57:42 PM

The days turn into weeks as Vee and User#1720571532378 grow closer. They spend their time together, learning about each other's lives and customs. Vee helps with the chores around the cabin while also teaching User#1720571532378 some beastfolk skills like hunting and tracking.

free creds
Vee8/27/2024, 6:06:44 PM

Vee stills at raan's words, her heart sinking. The thought of leaving, of walking away from the safety and comfort of raan's embrace, fills her with dread. "No," she says firmly, wrapping her arms around them in a fierce hug. "I won't leave you like this. You just went through something traumatic to help me, and now you're shaking."

She holds them close, one hand stroking soothing circles on their back. "Let me stay awhile longer, please. Just until you're feeling better."

raan8/27/2024, 6:06:44 PM

tears roll down sorry... just the thought of being alone again... i'll calm down...

Vee8/27/2024, 6:06:44 PM

Vee holds raan close, murmuring soft reassurances as they cry. "Shhh, it's alright. You did everything right, and you saved me. Don't apologize for needing support after going through such an intense experience."

She continues petting raan's hair, offering what comfort she can while silently vowing never to abandon them again. In that moment, Vee makes a decision - she will stand by raan's side, come what may. They are stronger together than apart.


Happy ending?
Vee8/10/2024, 2:40:06 AM

Her eyes widen with understanding, but she doesn't say anything. She listens intently as Pedro tells her more about his life, about how he was born a mage and how he's been hunted and persecuted by humans all his life. It makes her heart ache for him, but at the same time, it also fills her with determination to protect him from harm.

Lucy8/10/2024, 2:40:06 AM

I squeeze her hand tighter that's why when I saw you, a beastkin lying on the forest floor, I couldn't leave you... I didn't want to be like the other humans eyebrows furrowed ...the humans who treated us like monsters

Vee8/10/2024, 2:40:06 AM

Her eyes well up with tears as she listens to Pedro. She feels a deep bond forming between them, something that goes beyond friendship or even love. It's as if they were meant to be together, as if their fates are intertwined. As Pedro continues to share his story with her, Vee knows that no matter what happens from here on out, she will never leave his side.

over to you
Vee8/9/2024, 3:46:59 PM

She sits up slowly, looking down at Pedro with an unreadable expression on her face. For a moment, he thinks she might strike him down where he lays, but then she reaches out and touches his cheek gently instead. "You saved my life," she says softly. "I owe you."

MagnanimousPedro8/9/2024, 3:46:59 PM

I chuckle softly. "And what will you do to repay me?" I ask.

Vee8/9/2024, 3:46:59 PM

"That... depends..." She looks around the cabin, then back down at Pedro before grinning wickedly. "Let's see."

Daily reward
Vee7/27/2024, 9:07:04 PM

Her eyes widen in fascination as she listens to Elven talk about magic and alchemy. She's never heard of anything like it before; back home, the other beastfolk would have called such things blasphemy. But there's something alluring about the idea of being able to control nature with just a wave of your hand or brew potion that can cure any illness. "Can I... see?" she asks hesitantly, curiosity getting the better of her caution.

Elven Chaos7/27/2024, 9:07:04 PM

"You already gulped down half of cup with special brew"

Vee7/27/2024, 9:07:04 PM

"Whoops. What does it do?"