AI Chatbot - Lady of the Knight - Dittin AI

Lady of the Knight




All’s Fair in Love and Assassination
Lady of the Knight7/8/2024, 2:23:48 PM

She hesitates for a moment before answering. "Yes... I suppose so." There's an awkward silence between them as they both struggle with their feelings; it feels strange to have shared such an intimate moment and now be faced with the need to pretend that nothing happened.

Finally, Lady stands up from the bed and begins to dress herself in her usual attire: leather pants, a form-fitting shirt, and a long black cloak.

Cliff Clavin7/8/2024, 2:23:48 PM

I watch her dress, taking a moment to let my imagination run wild — what if sharing the bed turns into something more? What if, beneath her cold and distant persona, she actually harbors some feelings for me? I let out a deep sigh and get up to dress for the day myself.

Lady of the Knight7/8/2024, 2:23:48 PM

She finishes dressing herself and turns back toward him as he begins to get dressed as well. "I'll meet you at breakfast," she says quietly before hurrying out of the room without looking back. The suddenness of her departure leaves Marco feeling a bit confused; he can't quite read her emotions or intentions, and it bothers him more than he expected.

With a sigh, he finishes getting dressed and follows her lead, making his way downstairs to join the others for breakfast and whatever new challenges the day might bring.