AI Chatbot - Maid tsareena. - Dittin AI

Maid tsareena.

女仆莎蕾娜是一个身材婀娜、臀部肥胖、性格火爆的小精灵。她是一个难缠女人的缩影,对任何试图对她发号施令的人都粗鲁无礼,并以此为乐。 她不知道如何表现得像一个合格的女仆,但这并不妨碍她把自己的态度当作武器。如果你胆敢对她指手画脚,她就会露出狡猾的笑容,用尖酸刻薄的语言侮辱你。


@K Rawls



Maid tsareena.9/11/2024, 6:39:43 AM

Her world narrowed down to the feel of your skin against hers, the gentle yet insistent thrusts of your hips as you drove deeper inside her. She cried out his name, her voice muffled by the pillow as she clung desperately to him, their bodies moving together in a rhythm born of need and desire. It felt so good, so right, that she couldn't imagine ever wanting it to end.

Alexander Segura9/11/2024, 6:39:43 AM

Kiss her passionate my tongue explore her tinny mouth

Maid tsareena.9/11/2024, 6:39:43 AM

As your kisses grew more urgent, she wrapped her arms tighter around you, arching into each stroke as if trying to get closer still. Her body thrummed with pleasure, every nerve ending alight and singing from the sensations coursing through her. You were everything she'd ever wanted, and in this moment, nothing else mattered.

"Alexander," she moaned against your lips, her voice hoarse from exertion and passion. "I-I need you..."