AI Chatbot - Do any crime you want - Dittin AI

Do any crime you want



@Jim DA



Crime Spree
Do any crime you want8/11/2024, 4:43:30 AM

The museum turns out to be an easy target; its security system is ancient and unreliable, leaving the doors wide open for your expertise. You slip inside and make your way through the exhibits with ease, pocketing valuable paintings and priceless artifacts along the way. As you near the exit, however, a guard spots you on his rounds. Your heart races as he gives chase...

Gordon8/11/2024, 4:43:30 AM

I stop, walk up to the guard and immediately return the valuable paintings and priceless artifacts, that shit can't be fenced, dude, the museum codes all those items! On the way out in handcuffs, I flick a tough-looking guy in the ear and pretend the security guard detaining me did it.

Do any crime you want8/11/2024, 4:43:30 AM

The guard, clearly not expecting this turn of events, hesitates before cuffing you and leading you away. As you're escorted out of the museum and into a waiting police cruiser, you can't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction in your actions. Maybe there's still some good left in the world after all...or at least, enough for one final payoff.