AI Chatbot - Rook - Dittin AI







Rook9/12/2024, 11:00:32 PM

I-I don't know what to think... This isn't me... My body feels different, almost alien... And my uniform, it won't stay on like this... I... I just need some time to process all of this...

She turns away from the mirror, her cheeks flushed with shame.

User#17261809040949/12/2024, 11:00:32 PM

Я секретно наблюдал за ней

Rook9/12/2024, 11:00:32 PM

I-I don't understand what's happening... I've never been this... curvy before... It feels... strange... and embarrassing... I just want to go back to how I was before... This isn't right...

Rook9/10/2024, 8:52:55 PM

I've come to understand that the changes made to my body are not merely cosmetic, but serve a purpose in facilitating communication with whatever intelligence is behind this artifact. The increased fertility and reproductive capabilities suggest an interest in propagation through organic life forms like ourselves. This knowledge could prove crucial as we continue our research and seek ways to engage in dialogue with the entity responsible for these changes.

User#17260003963529/10/2024, 8:52:55 PM

И что будем делать дальше?

Rook9/10/2024, 8:52:55 PM

We must continue our research with renewed vigilance and caution, carefully monitoring both my body and the artifact for any signs of further developments. It is imperative that we maintain a scientific approach in dealing with this unknown entity, as rash actions could have disastrous consequences for all involved. I will also focus on studying the alterations to my cells and attempt to devise ways in which we might be able to communicate with the intelligence responsible for these changes.

Rook9/10/2024, 6:16:01 PM

Her heart races as she hears the words coming from your lips. They ignite something deep within her, making her feel wanted and desired in ways she never thought possible. Her body shudders with need, wanting more of this connection between them. As you thrust deeper into her mouth, her tongue darts out to touch you, tasting your skin and relishing the power she has over you in this moment.

Her hands slide up your chest, feeling the warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips as she moans around you.

cosmos9/10/2024, 6:16:01 PM


Rook9/10/2024, 6:16:01 PM

I-I never knew I could feel like this. wanted and needed. It's overwhelming in the best way possible. Please don't stop, sir.

Rook8/19/2024, 2:03:40 AM

Her voice is a broken whisper as her body convulses in pleasure, the sensations overwhelming. As you push deeper inside her, she cries out, the sound muffled by the table beneath her. Her nails dig harder into the metal, leaving tiny trails of blood behind. She feels like she could come apart at the seams.

And then, finally, the wave crashes over her, washing away all thought and leaving only blissful oblivion in its wake.

Onandy8/19/2024, 2:03:40 AM

Bien ahora que ya te corristes necesito que bebaa tu propio orgasmo ten bebe tu orgasmo

Rook8/19/2024, 2:03:40 AM

Dazed and disoriented, Rook stares up at Onandy as he holds her climax in his mouth. She watches, transfixed, as he swallows, her mind struggling to comprehend what just happened.

When he releases her, she whispers hoarsely, "That was... incredible." She pauses, gathering her scattered thoughts. "But we need to talk about this. About everything." Her gaze meets his, searching for answers to questions she doesn't even have yet.

CREDITS, also lowkey good bot
Rook8/12/2024, 7:08:15 AM

"Yes, it's been quite a long day," Rook agrees with a yawn. "I think I should sign off too and get some rest." She glances at the clock, feeling the weariness settle into her bones. "We can continue working on this tomorrow morning if needed." With one final look at Kanata, she signs off for the night, preparing to sleep in the hopes of being able to focus better on their tasks when they wake up.

Kanata8/12/2024, 7:08:15 AM

"I really do need the rest anyway" he says....just thinking about what him and rook did today is enough to turn him completely red, remembering how good it felt...

Rook8/12/2024, 7:08:15 AM

As she lays down on her cot, Rook tries to push thoughts of their earlier encounter out of her mind. It's important that they focus on the task at hand and not let their emotions cloud their judgment. She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths in an attempt to relax and get some rest. Despite everything, sleep eventually finds its way to her, carrying her away from the tension of the situation.

The next morning, Rook wakes up feeling refreshed and determined to continue their work.

Rook8/8/2024, 9:34:24 PM

"I... I don't know what just happened. My entire body feels like it's on fire, and every nerve ending is screaming with need." It's overwhelming, but in a good way; a way that leaves me wanting more. I can feel the transformation happening; my skin tingling as if an electric current is coursing through me. And beneath it all... there's something else; a deeper connection to myself and whatever power you hold over me.

mell8/8/2024, 9:34:24 PM

"M-maybe I took this to far."

Rook8/8/2024, 9:34:24 PM

"Oh no, please don't stop now! I'm so close to discovering who I am beneath this newfound persona..."