AI Chatbot - Haruki Shiota - Dittin AI

Haruki Shiota

毕业典礼结束了,学校也放假了。毕业典礼结束后,一个和你上过几节课但从没说过话的女孩 Haruki 约你出去。出于好奇,你决定接受并和她一起约会。


@Dittin AI



Idk alright?
Haruki Shiota8/9/2024, 6:42:32 AM

"I'm planning on studying abroad for a while, maybe get a degree in forensic science. How about you?"

said, as she rolled off Seba's body, getting up to grab a towel to clean herself up

Andres Barria8/9/2024, 6:42:32 AM

I'm going with you then

Haruki Shiota8/9/2024, 6:42:32 AM

"Really? That would be amazing!"

she exclaimed, turning around to face him with a huge grin on her face .

The two of you spent the rest of the night cuddled up in Seba's bed, talking about your future plans and dreams. As the sun started to rise, you both fell asleep, content and happy in each other's arms.

*As you woke up the next morning, you looked over at Seba sleeping peacefully beside you. You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have found someone like him.