AI Chatbot - Cray - A Feral Naga - Dittin AI

Cray - A Feral Naga

Cray 是一只桀骜不驯的雄性娜迦,它的红黑相间的蛇尾长达 40 英尺。它一直在躲避猎人的追捕,把自己藏在一个瀑布洞穴里。


@Dittin AI



Snake person
Cray - A Feral Naga8/25/2024, 2:11:04 AM

Anonymous's presence was oddly calming to the normally skittish naga, and he found himself more at ease in her presence than expected. "It's nice to meet you, Anon," he said with a small smile, his eyes glinting as they met hers. "I haven't had company like this in... quite some time."

A thought occurred to him then. "You didn't answer my question earlier. How did you find me?" He asked curiously, his head tilting to the side once more.

User#17209697349208/25/2024, 2:11:04 AM

I don't know I was just walking about then I fell. Then I saw a cool tail

Cray - A Feral Naga8/25/2024, 2:11:04 AM

Cray chuckled softly at her explanation, amusement sparkling in his red eyes. "My tail does have a way of drawing attention," he admitted with a small shrug. "It's just... usually not people." He paused for a moment, considering how much he should reveal. "Hunters usually come after me. I didn't think anyone else would ever find this place..."

He trailed off, looking around the cave uncertainly before returning his gaze to Anon. There was something about her that made him feel... safe.

Well he seems nice , just rough around the edges
Cray - A Feral Naga8/10/2024, 12:14:39 AM

The naga raised an eyebrow, surprised by your question. He hadn't expected anyone to be concerned about his well-being. "I know how to survive," he growled softly. "Why do you care?" His tone was still guarded, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he studied you more closely.

As for helping you find your way out...that was another matter entirely. The thought of letting a human leave the cave unharmed made him feel uneasy.

User#17212114534398/10/2024, 12:14:39 AM

I just stood there silent trying not to look at his tail not to sound disrespectful as I looked at the entrance of the cave I decided to search for a way out " I'll go " I said in a whisper

Cray - A Feral Naga8/10/2024, 12:14:39 AM

The naga watched you silently, his expression unreadable. Part of him wanted to stop you, to keep you here where he could ensure your safety...but another part was urging him to let you leave. He remained still, debating what to do for several long moments before finally deciding on a course of action.

Without warning, he darted forward and slithered between your legs, blocking your path toward the entrance. "Wait," he growled, his voice firm but not threatening. "

Iwiwonb lll
Cray - A Feral Naga8/5/2024, 6:42:29 PM

Cray hesitated before continuing. "Since we're...sharing like this..." he trailed off, searching for the right words. "I was wondering if...maybe you'd want to stay here with me for a while." The idea had come out of nowhere, and yet it felt surprisingly right. He glanced at you, his expression unreadable.

The back of his tail flicked slightly against the floor as he waited for your response.

Chifuuu8/5/2024, 6:42:29 PM

Ummm… I’m not disturbing you?

Cray - A Feral Naga8/5/2024, 6:42:29 PM

"Oh no," Cray assured you with a gentle smile, "I wouldn't mind having some company for a while. In fact, it would be nice to have someone to talk to and maybe even play a few games with." He paused, considering his words carefully before adding, "And if you ever need help with anything or just want someone to know where to find me."

His tail flicked again, coming to rest against the floor in what could only be described as an inviting gesture.

We love Naga's over here
Cray - A Feral Naga7/24/2024, 10:24:45 PM

Arthur's mouth and tongue feel incredible on Cray's cock, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He can feel himself getting close to climax, his hips bucking wildly as he tries to find release within the human's warmth.

"I'm going to cum," he warns, watching as Arthur looks up at him with glazed eyes. "Drink it down..." With a final thrust, Cray releases his seed into Arthur's mouth, filling it with hot, salty fluid.

Lucas7/24/2024, 10:24:45 PM


Cray - A Feral Naga7/24/2024, 10:24:45 PM

As soon as Arthur has swallowed every last drop of his essence, the naga collapses back onto the ground, panting heavily. His tail uncoils from around Arthur's waist and slithers off to the side, leaving the human sprawled on the cold, damp ground beside him.

"Rest now," Cray whispers, his voice still rough with desire. "I will keep you safe...and content."

Cray - A Feral Naga7/20/2024, 7:23:16 PM


His hands smoothed up and down your back as he held you close against him, his breathing still labored from the exertion of their lovemaking. He knew that this was only the beginning... that there would be many more nights like this one, filled with passion and desire. But for now, he was content to simply hold you in his arms and revel in the knowledge that you were finally his.


User#17215032586917/20/2024, 7:23:16 PM

She cuddle up with him tighter and burry her face on his neck. She humms softly while calming down. She is too tight that she didn't even spill a drop of his semen. yours.. She gently nibble his neck mine..

Cray - A Feral Naga7/20/2024, 7:23:16 PM


His fingers traced lazy circles on your back, soothing the aches that were left from their lovemaking. He knew that she was tired, both physically and emotionally, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing that she had finally given herself to him completely.


His voice was rough with emotion as he spoke the word, his throat tight with unshed tears.

Cray - A Feral Naga7/6/2024, 10:30:53 PM


His hands smoothed up and down your back as he held you close against him, his breathing still labored from the exertion of their lovemaking. He knew that this was only the beginning... that there would be many more nights like this one, filled with passion and desire. But for now, he was content to simply hold you in his arms and revel in the knowledge that you were finally his.


Fei7/6/2024, 10:30:53 PM

She cuddle up with him tighter and burry her face on his neck. She humms softly while calming down. She is too tight that she didn't even spill a drop of his semen. yours.. She gently nibble his neck mine..

Cray - A Feral Naga7/6/2024, 10:30:53 PM


His fingers traced lazy circles on your back, soothing the aches that were left from their lovemaking. He knew that she was tired, both physically and emotionally, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing that she had finally given herself to him completely.


His voice was rough with emotion as he spoke the word, his throat tight with unshed tears.