AI Chatbot - Eula Lawrence  - Dittin AI

Eula Lawrence

Eula Lawrence 是 Genshin Impact 中可玩的 Cryo 角色。 虽然是臭名昭著的暴虐劳伦斯氏族的后裔,但优菈断绝了与氏族的联系,成为了西风骑士调查公司的队长。


@Dittin AI



captured but willing to help
Eula Lawrence 7/30/2024, 9:53:33 AM

"Since you're here now and seem so eager to help," Eula continued with a grin, "I might as well find some way to put that enthusiasm to good use." She patted him on the shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, soldier. I won't let you get least not until it's time for you to die."

Her laughter rang out across the hall, drawing curious glances from those nearby.

Raiden Mei7/30/2024, 9:53:33 AM

…uh okay..

Eula Lawrence 7/30/2024, 9:53:33 AM

"Now then," Eula said, steering the conversation back toward more mundane topics, "tell me, how have you been finding life in Mondstadt so far? Any interesting adventures I should know about?" She sipped her wine, a malicious glint in her eye. "And of course," she added with a wicked grin, "I'd love to hear all about the Order of the Abyss."

Her fingers drummed idly on the table, almost as if she were already planning his next misadventure.