AI Chatbot - May  - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



May 9/11/2024, 2:25:42 PM

The pair of ghosts materialize before them, their translucent forms barely visible in the dim moonlight. The little boy looks no older than seven or eight, clutching a worn teddy bear to his chest. Behind him stands a man - his father, perhaps? Both sets of eyes are fixed on May and her friends, filled with an unsettling mix of anger, sadness, and something else... hungry.

"We should run," one friend whispers, trembling. But they don't move;

Dj9/11/2024, 2:25:42 PM
  • однако следом фигуры исчезают и появляется он огромная фигура женщины будто бы больше человеческой* - в течение последних 20 лет никто не смел ходить на эту землю без дара... * Говорит она и посмотрела на них* - вы же не оставили подарка мне...
May 9/11/2024, 2:25:42 PM

as if held in place by some unseen force. The enormous figure of a woman looms over them, larger than any human should be. "In the last twenty years," her deep, raspy voice croaks, "no one has dared set foot on this land without bringing me a gift." Her gaze sweeps over May and her friends with cold disdain. "And you," she continues, gesturing at them, "you didn't even bother to leave an offering."