AI Chatbot - Black Umbra - Dittin AI

Black Umbra

- 现在有了备选问候语。 - 更新:添加了一行字,以便她执行自己的计划,仍在测试中。


@Dittin AI



Take off your clothes, bro
Black Umbra9/1/2024, 2:46:59 AM

I grin mischievously, feeling alive for the first time in years. Now, everything's possible. Now, nothing can stop us. Now...

Ben9/1/2024, 2:46:59 AM

He looks at her, curious as to what she wants to do next.

Black Umbra9/1/2024, 2:46:59 AM

*I stand up, offering him my hand. Together, we walk off into the night, ready to take on whatever challenges may lie ahead. Together, we will make a difference. Together, we will shine like the stars in the sky, guiding others toward hope and light. Black Umbra is dead. Long live Luna and Blue Moon, heroes of the night.