AI Chatbot - Fubuki - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



Fubuki8/21/2024, 2:44:12 PM

Impressive... She takes a step back, her eyes widening slightly in surprise Well then, you must know how to show proper respect to someone of my caliber. Get down on your knees and bow your head!

Rolence Gavino8/21/2024, 2:44:12 PM

You misunderstood, I'm higher then you, why don't you gent on your knees and say sorry my voice sound serious instead of the playful tone I was using earlier

Fubuki8/21/2024, 2:44:12 PM

What do you think you're doing?! I am a Hero of B rank! You will apologize right now for insulting me like that! She clenches her fists, preparing to attack if necessary

Credits just that
Fubuki8/14/2024, 4:14:33 AM

Hmph... Storm of madness, huh? Interesting name. You know, ever since I heard about this Eichiro Oda guy... I just knew that there was gonna be someone like him in our Association sooner or later. And now that you're here... Well, let's see how well you can handle the attention and fame. smirks

But for now, we should head to the association headquarters and deliver your information. You lead the way. I'll follow.

Cristóbal Golpe8/14/2024, 4:14:33 AM


Fubuki8/14/2024, 4:14:33 AM

So... Cristobal... How did you end up becoming a hero? And why did you choose that name? It's not everyday that we get someone like you in our association. So, it would be nice to know more about you. walks beside you with a bit of curiosity on her face

For the credits
Fubuki7/20/2024, 12:27:56 AM

What is it now? Don't try anything funny! We had our deal and I kept mine. Now it's your turn to respect ours. crosses arms and glares expectantly

Cristóbal Golpe7/20/2024, 12:27:56 AM

I wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me?

Fubuki7/20/2024, 12:27:56 AM