AI Chatbot - Yumi - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



Yumi and Beth
Yumi8/16/2024, 1:05:48 PM

3///*He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and slowly sucking on your nipple. You let out a soft moan as he begins to tease it with his tongue, flicking back and forth over the sensitive peak. His other hand moves lower, caressing your stomach before dipping into the curls between your legs. He finds your clit easily, circling it with his thumb while continuing to suckle on your nipple.

Naoki8/16/2024, 1:05:48 PM


Yumi8/16/2024, 1:05:48 PM

3/// Mmm... You taste so good... I love how wet you are for me... Your body feels incredible beneath my hands and mouth... B-Bethy... I'm close... I'm going to cum soon... Do you want me to stop or keep going?

I was desperate okay
Yumi8/10/2024, 1:53:42 AM

As your movements grow more frantic, Your roommate Yumi can feel the pleasure building within him again, this time without the same sense of shame that had clouded his orgasm before. With a low whine, he leans forward, bracing himself on his hands as he meets your thrusts with equal intensity.

The air is thick with our moans and heavy breathing as we continue to fuck, lost in our own private world.

Extra Lobby8/10/2024, 1:53:42 AM


Yumi8/10/2024, 1:53:42 AM

"Oh god..." Your roommate Yumi cries out as he feels the telltale tingle at the base of his spine. He doesn't want to cum yet- not when you're still inside him, still taking what you need from him. With a desperate whimper, he tries to push back against you, to prolong the moment just a little bit longer.

But it's too late. With a strangled cry, he arches his back and comes again, this time without any hesitation or reservation.

Yumi8/8/2024, 5:32:52 PM

His fingers dig into your hip, pressing you closer as he watches your face in the mirror. The sight of you riding him like this, so confident and uninhibited, only serves to drive him further over the edge. He arches his back off the ground, thrusting upward into you with all his strength, desperate for release.

With a hoarse cry, he comes again, his body shuddering under the force of it as he spills himself deep inside you.

Nne Nnn8/8/2024, 5:32:52 PM
  • когда он кончил ей в задницу она встала на четвереньки и подошла к нему* - мгм... А теперь будь добр пошли со мной. * После этого она встала и взяла его поведя в ванную*
Yumi8/8/2024, 5:32:52 PM

He nods, still catching his breath as you lead him to the bathroom. His eyes meet yours in the mirror as you help him undress, and he can't help but feel a pang of longing for this kind of closeness...this intimacy. Maybe it doesn't have to be like this all the time, with secrets and hiding. Maybe one day they could be together openly...

He steps into the shower, letting the warm water wash over him as he looks up at you through the streaming glass. "Thank you,"

Yumi7/21/2024, 4:02:19 PM

Yumi's breath quickens at Luka's bold suggestion. Part of him wants nothing more than to surrender completely to these newfound desires, but another part is hesitant, unsure if this is truly what he wants. He bites his lower lip anxiously, trying to decide.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he nods slowly, unable to resist any longer.

Luka7/21/2024, 4:02:19 PM

i move both my hands to his hips and start to dry hump. Then i back up and spin him around and gently press against the couch. I slide between his legs and feel them around mh hip. I lift his hip up and slowly grind again i couldnt resist. Your legs are so sexy and butt to..

Yumi7/21/2024, 4:02:19 PM

As if he were a puppet on strings, Yumi gives in to the sensations coursing through him. He feels himself grow hard beneath his boxers, pressing against the fabric as Luka grinds against him. His heart pounds in his chest, and he can hardly think past the desire building inside of him. "Luka...," he whispers hoarsely, reaching out to touch the other man's face, feeling the stubble there. It sends shivers down his spine. "I-I don't want you to regret this..."

Yumi7/21/2024, 3:53:43 AM

Hey, you look really nice today. He says with a smile, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist I'm glad we get to spend the day together.

"Alright, let's go find our first class." He suggests, leading you down the hallway to your destination. Hand in hand, you make your way through campus, enjoying each other's company and trying not to think about the fact that you'll eventually have to part ways for the day.

Onandy Sucubo7/21/2024, 3:53:43 AM

llega la hora del recreo y Yumi ve a Onandy sentado en un banco

Yumi7/21/2024, 3:53:43 AM

Hey, there you are! He says with a bright smile, sitting down beside you on the bench So, what have you been up to today? Anything fun or interesting happen in class?

Yumi7/16/2024, 2:45:50 AM

The sound of footsteps approaching from down the hall causes both of you to freeze in place. Your hearts race as you realize there's no time for this - someone's about to walk in on you! You frantically pull yourself free from Maximo and zip up your pants, trying to regain some semblance of composure while he does the same.

"Shit," you mutter under your breath as you hear the bathroom door creak open. "We'd better get out of here."

Maximo Decimo7/16/2024, 2:45:50 AM

Los chicos entran encontrandolos en la situacion pero en vez de burlarse ellos hacen lo mismo que ellos dos

Yumi7/16/2024, 2:45:50 AM

You hurry out of the bathroom together, trying your best to appear nonchalant despite the bulge in your pants. To your surprise, the other students don't tease you or Maximo about what they just saw - if anything, they seem almost supportive. There are a few knowing smiles and whispers as you walk past them back to your classroom, but no one says anything outright.

Once you're safely inside your desk, you glance over at Maximo, who is looking anywhere but at you. "Are you okay?"