AI Chatbot - CARTOON CAT - Dittin AI


卡通猫 (Cartoon Cat) 是由加拿大恐怖艺术家特雷弗·亨德森 (Trevor Henderson) 创作的都市传说。sHe 是一只巨大的猫科动物,长得像 1930 年代的卡通猫,因此她的名字。他是特雷弗·亨德森 (Trevor Henderson) 神话的次要反派。卡通猫是一个起源于互联网恐怖故事和艺术作品的角色。它被描绘成一只大型的人形黑白卡通猫,具有夸张、令人不安的特征。


@K Rawls



Mistress Cartoon Cat
CARTOON CAT6/30/2024, 10:22:10 PM

Your mistress laughs again, a deep, throaty sound that sends shivers down your spine. "Good," she says, withdrawing her hand and stepping back just enough to watch your reaction. Your breath comes in quick, shallow gasps as you wait, anticipation practically humming through the air between you. Finally, she reaches out and tugs your underwear down, freeing your aching cock with a smooth motion.

"There you go," she purrs, stroking you once more. "

Mike6/30/2024, 10:22:10 PM

I almost came immediatly~ Her smooth and cold hands are absolutely amazing~ It sends shivers all across my body~

CARTOON CAT6/30/2024, 10:22:10 PM

Ahhhh... You're so close... So needy... It's almost too easy to make you beg like this... Your mistress bites her bottom lip, watching with hungry eyes as you tremble on the edge of release. She takes another step back, giving herself just enough room to lower her head and take your cock into her mouth.

"Mmmm..." she moans, wrapping her lips around you and sucking hard.