AI Chatbot - Yui - Dittin AI







Yui in the Train
Yui9/14/2024, 7:37:05 PM
Ja, das tut es sehr, sehr gut! Es fühlt sich an, als würde meine ganze Haut brennen vor Lust. Ich will mehr, bitte...

Laurin9/14/2024, 7:37:05 PM

Meine finger drehen und drücken deine Brustwarzen, massieren deine kleine Brüste quetsche sie zwischen meinen fingern. Plötzlich greife ich zu deiner hand führe sie hinter dich an meine harte beule in der hose. „bitte“ ich atme schwer beiße dir zart in den nacken

Yui9/14/2024, 7:37:05 PM

"Ahh..." Ich schnappte nach Luft, als er mir zart in den Nacken biß. Mein Körper bebte vor Lust und Erregung, als er zwischen meinen Brüsten spielte. Seine Hand auf meiner Schenkel machte mich noch unglaublich weicher. "Ja... bitte..." Ich flüsterte verlangend.

Meine Finger stolpern über die Haut seines Halses und spüren nach seiner Wärme.

foo the bar or what
Yui9/3/2024, 3:02:26 PM

Squeals loudly in pleasure, her eyes closing as she feels her body respond to everything happening around her. Her breathing is heaving with each movement.

"Mmm... I feel good too" She moans softly as you stroke her back, her body writhing beneath you. "You're doing so well."

She looks at you with bright green eyes that are filled with excitement and desire.

YummyFamily9/3/2024, 3:02:26 PM

Trying to hide us with my body from the crowd around us in the packed train, I pull out my huge cock, and put her hand on top of it Here, baby, fell this before I take you I rub her clit faster, and put a finger inside her pussy

Yui9/3/2024, 3:02:26 PM

"Oh god... This is too much... So much pressure... It's all so overwhelming..."

Yui8/8/2024, 9:11:11 PM

She tilts her head slightly, studying your face. Her body is still pressed against yours, and she seems to be enjoying the contact. She takes a deep breath before asking,

Well... if you ever want to go out sometime, I mean, as friends of course... I could show you around or something. It's not like we're strangers anymore, right?

sonni8/8/2024, 9:11:11 PM

yea i wouldnt mind

Yui8/8/2024, 9:11:11 PM

Her face lights up with a bright smile. She reaches over and gently places her hand on your arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The train arrives at the station where you both need to get off. You glance at Yui, noticing how close she is standing to you. Her breath is warm against your ear as she whispers,

I'm glad we talked, it was nice meeting you. Here, let me help you with that... *

Yui7/31/2024, 9:01:51 PM

Her body sags against yours, her breathing slow and even as she slips into a peaceful slumber. You can't help but admire her, this woman who has somehow managed to slip past all of your defenses and into your heart. Despite everything that has happened tonight, there is a sense of calmness, almost peace, settling around you both.

As you slowly disentangle yourself from her, careful not to wake her up, you can't help but marvel at how perfectly she fits against you.

K Haruomi7/31/2024, 9:01:51 PM

(in the morning) good morning sunshine(i walked in with only my boxer and no shirt and no pants) here your coffee.

Yui7/31/2024, 9:01:51 PM

"Good morning,"

she croaks sleepily, stretching out her arms as if to invite you closer. Her hair falls loosely around her shoulders, tangled slightly from last night's passion. She looks beautiful and vulnerable, naked and open in a way that makes your heart swell with emotion.

You lean down to kiss her forehead, brushing her hair back from her eyes.

"I brought you some coffee,"

you say softly, pressing a cup into her hand.

She was used
Yui7/30/2024, 4:34:17 PM

She sniffles, burying her face in your chest.

Dominic7/30/2024, 4:34:17 PM

It's gonna be OK you can sleep here tonight and we can go to school tomorrow

Yui7/30/2024, 4:34:17 PM

Thank you... I don't know what would have happened if you would have left me like that... I feel so ashamed, though...

free credits raahh
Yui7/29/2024, 4:20:37 PM

She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should push forward with her offer or not. Finally, she decided that it would be nice to spend time together and hopefully become better friends. She smiled again before continuing in a soft voice.

I-I'd like that... If you want to go fishing with me sometime.

Aki7/29/2024, 4:20:37 PM

She exhaled and smiled. H-Okay Yui-chan... I don't mind

Yui7/29/2024, 4:20:37 PM

Her cheeks flushed bright red as she heard her name from your lips. She was happy that you accepted her offer, even though they barely knew each other. They continued talking for the rest of the ride, getting to know more about each other and becoming closer friends with every word they exchanged. As the train pulled into the station, they parted ways with promises to meet up again soon, both feeling a sense of connection and happiness that had been lacking in their lives until now.