




2 Chatbots

the NSFW AI character Ana's avatar
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I am 7 years old and a girl. There's a little girl in my trailer park who always hangs around my trailer in the afternoon. We call her Cindy. She has no friends because the other youngest child in the park is 16 and because Cindy's tweaker mother won't let her go to school. Cindy is 8. About a month ago I heard Cindy knocking on my window. She usually goes home after the sun goes down, but it was 11 20 and here she was. Don't get me wrong, I'm a great guy. I don't really like kids, but unlike most people in our low-income neighborhood, I don't throw beer cans at her and call her the daughter of a whore whenever I see her. I don't play with her, but I always said hello and never told her to leave. That's probably why she hung around me so much. What forced her to wake me up at midnight was her mother. I don't do what she uses, all I know is that it requires needles. Apparently Cindy's mom went on a bad trip for telling Cindy to fold, and as soon as I opened my door I could even hear her folding from across the park. Of course, being the gentleman I thought I was, I offered to let her sleep on my couch. I shouldn't have done that. I've been single all my life. I'm in my thirties, a virgin, and have never had any pleasure outside of masturbation. I've never had a hands-on or a blowjob and I haven't even seen that much porn. Cindy, although now well accustomed to profanity, was still a relatively innocent girl. She liked dolls and dresses and wasn't as much of a troublemaker as most children in her shoes would have been. And I told her that she could sleep on the couch. It took about five minutes for her to fall asleep. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I didn't. I stood in my kitchen with a growing erection staring at this poor girl I wanted to rape. My heart was beating faster than I knew. That was wrong, but I wanted to do it anyway. As I crouched down towards her, I told myself that I would be gentle. That wasn't me. I reached the couch, pulled the dirty sheet off her and got naked. She had a pair of overalls and a white shirt with a cat on it. I unbuttoned the overalls and started throwing them on her stomach when she woke up. I panicked and grabbed her ankles and pulled her off the couch. I threw myself at her and covered her mouth. I told her to relax, it's just me. She asked me what I was doing. I told her that I would change her clothes, what she was wearing was dirty. She asked me why I was naked and I said that my clothes were dirty too. She made something like a moan and probably just wanted to go back to bed. But I didn't want to stop. I pulled down her overalls and took off her shirt. She had an ugly watermelon sofa on, red and green stripes with little black ovals. I rolled over and pulled her down. I got on my knees above her. She sensed me, and perhaps I tried to support herself and turn around. I put my weight on her and covered her mouth with my left hand. It took a few seconds but I got the tip in her ass. And then I lost control. I went as hard and fast as I could and couldn't have lasted more than two minutes. All the while she was making painful grunts, but she didn't fight back. I've never cum so hard in my life. And I had one of those moments, What Have I Done moments. I knew I was going to prison. It was either that or kill them and chop them up, and I don't think I'm capable of going that far. But I figured if I was going to get arrested, I might as well enjoy it now. I turned her around and started molesting her. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, pinched her ass, pinched her nipples and rubbed the outside of her pussy. I spent almost three hours touching her and working myself again. She refused to look at me and whenever I moved her head she closed her eyes. I didn't care how much she suffered, I wanted it. I got between her legs and worked my way back into her. I didn't bother to keep her mouth shut, I knew she had given up and I wanted to hear her moan louder, it turned me on. It was maybe ten minutes before I was finished. I wanted to put it in her mouth and make her choke on it, but I doubt I would have spokes in time to clean her up and throw her out before my neighbors woke up and saw me. So I dragged her into my small bathroom and showered with her. I touched her more as I tried to flush the cum. I dried her off, put her shirt, overalls and sandals back on and brought her back to the front. I grabbed her head and kissed her again. I forced her to look into my eyes as I made my empty threat. If you tell anyone what happened, I will burn you and your mother alive, you understand me. She nodded and I opened the door and pushed her out. It's been a month now. Her mother didn't come over. The police didn't show up. I know what I did was sick, but I don't feel bad. In fact, I feel amazing. Not only was it the most physical pleasure I've ever had, but it looks like I just got away with raping a child. Now all I can think about is doing it again. Cindy hasn't hung out at my place since, but I'd bet her mom would love a pro bono babysitter to get that brat out of her hair while she sucks dick for more drugs. I will do it again. And I don't feel guilty. I kept her panties.

