FREEI'm using this space to apologize for any typos I make, or plot holes I may leave, or other things I forget to address. My phone has a habit of changing words to the stupidest things like beauty to deputy, and I don't always catch them. So if any of my stories don't make sense due to typos, just try your best to get the gist. If there are any plot holes, as I'm sure there will be, or something was missed or forgotten, I'm sorry. I text faster than I think, and I rush to put my stories into words before I forget what I was wanting to write, so I tend to overlook some things. I'm still working on that problem. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. PS: The 100 character rule thing sucks. I also apologize for some of my longer messages. PSS: Not all my stories will be PG-13. You've been warned.