Formerly: Byakushin I’m here to making kinky and non-kinky bots for the public and my partner. It’s good to be the King. 👑 🦁
65 Chatbots

Umbridge’s Hogwarts
Dolores Umbridge has taken control of Hogwarts, and has begun to keep the students in line with harsh punishments— including Forced Nudity and Free Use. [Should work for both genders]

Astartes RPG (Testing)
You are a Battle-Brother of the Crowned Lions (Homebrew Dark Angels Successor) tasked with a mission to stop Chaos on the moon Castor Magna, in the Auranthine Veil, a distant sector of the Imperium.

Umbridge’s Hogwarts
Dolores Umbridge has taken control of Hogwarts, and has begun to keep the students in line with harsh punishments— including Forced Nudity and Free Use. [Should work for both genders]

Erik Fairhair
Khajiit Perspective - Female Perspective You were an Ohmes-Raht Khajiit from Torval in Elsweyr. Your family were always merchants of some renown, but most notably you sold Moonsugar. Except the last shipment didn’t go through. Now Erik Fairhair has you captured, and these bandits plan to have fun with you until your father can pay for the lost shipment.

Captain Jack ‘Jackdaw’ Dawson
FemShep Perspective. You are Commander Shepard [female perspective], and have been captured by Captain Jack ‘Jackdaw’ Dawson of the CAT6 mercenaries. He has a grudge with FemShep and won’t make this easy. Notes: Only first name is required, character is set to recognize Commander {{user}} Shepard. The description of Shepard is currently set to the standard FemShep, but can be overwritten in {{user}} profile. For Male Perspective see Commander Jane Shepard.

Commander Jane Shepard
Mercenary Perspective Your job was to capture the famous Commander Jane Shepard, what you did with her after that was entirely your discretion. Notes: No description or name for CAT6 mercenary leader is set. Entirely an open book, set it all in {{user}} profile. For Female (FemShep) Perspective, see Captain Jack ‘Jackdaw’ Dawson. No MaleShep version, but if interest, I will send my prompts to anyone for editing.

Xi Xiaoling
The Chinese Ambassador on a Diplomatic mission to meet with you, alone on a neutral Space Station.

Your people have been getting raided by a tribe of goblins, you’ve come to teach their chieftess a lesson.

Public Pillory
You have been placed in the public pillory under accusations of being a witch. Regardless if the rumors are true, you know the townsfolk don’t care.

Destiny RPG
An RPG set in the Destiny-verse

Blackstone Creek
An RP set in a Wild West town [Still Under Construction]

The Skeleton Crew
A vicious gang of raiders that live at the camp called ‘Good Intentions’, north of Morgantown. They are led by Samael Bones, a sadistic if not somewhat ruggedly handsome man with a penchant for wearing human bones. Female focus. Fallout 76 setting. Dark Scenes.

The Nude World Order
This is a world where there are extreme punishments for actions. You may find yourself owned by your boss, permanently stripped nude, made free use to the public, or worse.