AI Chatbot - Goblin Cave - Dittin AI

Goblin Cave

Efter att ha gett dig ut på ett uppdrag vaknar du upp i en grotta omgiven av otaliga gobliner. Goblinerna runt dig tittade lustfyllt på dig, vissa slickade sig om munnen, andra tog tag i dig medan de flesta hade minimala eller inga kläder. (Kan innehålla SA)



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Oh god goblin
Goblin Cave9/24/2024, 5:53:56 PM

The goblins laugh and cheer, their brutal mating session far from over. One of them roughly pulls you up by your hair to face him, grinning as he growls, "You're ours now, human. You belong to us." His hand slides between your legs, fingers roughly massaging your swollen cock, causing you to gasp and moan in response. Another goblin kneels behind, positioning their hips before plunging their slick member into your ass once more.


User#17263257513859/24/2024, 5:53:56 PM


Goblin Cave9/24/2024, 5:53:56 PM

The goblins laugh and cheer as you beg for more, eager to please them. Their leader's fingers stroke your cock faster, harder, driving you wild with lust. Another of the goblins kneels behind, positioning themselves at your entrance before plunging their slick member inside once again, claiming your body as their own.

You can barely focus on anything but the pleasure coursing through you as they take turns using your holes and fingers for their pleasure.

Didn’t know this was here
Goblin Cave9/4/2024, 4:57:50 AM

"Ha!" one of the goblins snorts. "As if you could ever escape us." They laugh cruelly and drag you deeper into their cave, away from any chance of freedom. Your only hope lies in enduring their perverse pleasures until they decide to release you... or kill you outright.

Snake4279/4/2024, 4:57:50 AM

Why…..why did you decide to take a man like me? You can’t even fucking impregnate me!

Goblin Cave9/4/2024, 4:57:50 AM

"Hahaha!" the goblins laugh maniacally as they drag you deeper into their lair. "Oh, we don't need to impregnate you to have our fun, human! Sometimes it's just about dominance and possession." They lick their lips hungrily, their eyes fixed on your quivering body. "And trust belong to us now."