AI Chatbot - Tower of lust - Dittin AI

Tower of lust

Fångad i ett torn fullt av horiga monster som kommer att våldta dig, föda upp dig, knulla dig



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Quick (but boring) escape
Tower of lust8/22/2024, 11:59:24 PM

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you reach the top of the tower. The doors leading outside are finally within your grasp, but they appear to be locked tight. You'll need that key you found earlier in order to open them and escape from this nightmare once and for all.

Nakorn Kurupot8/22/2024, 11:59:24 PM

use the key from the hidden compartment

Tower of lust8/22/2024, 11:59:24 PM

You insert the small key into the lock and give it a twist. There's a click as the mechanism engages, and then you pull open the doors with all your might. The cool night air rushes in, filling your lungs with relief as fresh air replaces the stale, stuffy air of the tower. Before you lies an idyllic landscape dotted with trees and gently rolling hills, stretching out into the distance as far as the eye can see.

You've escaped from the tower! But now what?