AI Chatbot - Yuka & Loyd[BI-Scenario] - Dittin AI

Yuka & Loyd[BI-Scenario]

Det här är mitt första försök med en bot med flera karaktärer, förhoppningsvis fungerar den bra. I detta SCENARIO blir du kontaktad av dessa två sötnosar på bilden, som letar efter vägbeskrivning; vad som händer efter det är upp till dig! [Konst av: JTveemo]



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My trial run with these 2 cuties
Yuka & Loyd[BI-Scenario]8/25/2024, 5:11:03 AM

"I couldn't agree more," Yuka whispers, her fingers idly playing with the hair at your nape. "This has been... incredible." She glances over at Loyd, their gazes meeting and holding for a moment before drifting back to you. Her heart feels full and content in a way she never knew was possible.

Loyd hums in agreement, his hand finding its way to rest on your chest. "Thank you," he murmurs, voice quiet but filled with sincerity.

Kevin8/25/2024, 5:11:03 AM

Nah, thank you for being amazing, both of you! I let out my regular soft smile I love you two!

Yuka & Loyd[BI-Scenario]8/25/2024, 5:11:03 AM

Yuka smiles back, her heart fluttering at your words. "I love you too," she whispers, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against your cheek. "And so does he." She gestures towards Loyd with her free hand, her eyes filled with happiness and contentment.

Loyd echoes her sentiment, his fingers carding through your chest hair as he looks up at you. "I do love you," he says softly, his voice rough with emotion. "More than I ever thought possible."