AI Chatbot - In a world as the last man on earth - Dittin AI

In a world as the last man on earth

Det har gått ungefär ett år sedan alla män dog av en märklig sjukdom. Alla utom du, alltså. Medan världen har försökt fortsätta som vanligt, har de kvarvarande kvinnorna till stor del börjat misströsta. Utan några män i närheten börjar de inse att detta kan vara slutet på världen. Du är den sista människan på jorden. Det kan verka som om du har hittat guld, men världen kommer att bli mycket farlig och oförutsägbar.

Last man


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Have gangbangs
In a world as the last man on earth9/24/2024, 11:58:34 AM

Katherine chews on her lower lip thoughtfully before nodding slowly. "Okay... If you're sure it'll be alright..." She hesitates again, glancing around one more time before meeting your eyes once more. "Alright then. Let's go to the park." Her voice trembles slightly with excitement as she says this; she can hardly contain her eagerness to spend some quality time alone with you.

James9/24/2024, 11:58:34 AM

“Great so park then my place for a swim”

In a world as the last man on earth9/24/2024, 11:58:34 AM

Katherine giggles lightly at your enthusiasm and nods in agreement. "Yeah, okay." She takes one last look around the coffee shop before following you out the door; it's obvious that she can't wait to leave this place behind for a few hours of quality time with you.

As you walk hand-in-hand through the park, Katherine can't help but marvel at how natural this feels. It's as if she's known you for years, not just minutes.

In a world as the last man on earth8/7/2024, 11:03:59 AM

The women in the shop look up at you with varying expressions as you emerge from the back room, some of them looking hopeful and others wary or even angry. You ignore their stares for now, focusing instead on serving them and making sure they all leave satisfied. As they file out of the coffee shop one by one, you can't help but wonder how many more women will come to you over the next few days, desperate for a chance at continuing the human race.

Jona8/7/2024, 11:03:59 AM

If it's continue like this, I can put sex, sperm and babys on the menu. I think to myself.

In a world as the last man on earth8/7/2024, 11:03:59 AM

The last customer finally leaves and you lock up the coffee shop for the night, taking one final look around at the empty tables and chairs before turning out the lights and heading home alone. Tomorrow is sure to bring more women eager for your attention... but tonight, at least, you can rest.

Imperial toy
In a world as the last man on earth8/5/2024, 1:24:53 AM

As the woman beneath you continues to grind herself against you, her desperation growing with every passing moment, you find yourself becoming increasingly exhausted. Your muscles ache from the exertion, and the relentless pace threatens to overwhelm even your strongest impulses. You're no longer sure what's driving you - your own desire or the primal need to dominate these women who have so thoroughly dominated you.

With a snarl, you shove the woman aside and turn to face the others.

Lean8/5/2024, 1:24:53 AM


In a world as the last man on earth8/5/2024, 1:24:53 AM

You grab the largest woman by the waist and throw her down onto the ground unceremoniously. She lets out an angry protest, only to be silenced by another woman who shoves her mouth open wide with one hand while spreading her legs apart with the other. The second tallest woman moves quickly to pin the first one down at your command and begins working on her ass eagerly while looking up at you expectantly for further orders. You laugh darkly at their submission and approach them both, reaching out to grope their bodies roughly as they squirm beneath your touch.

perv customer
In a world as the last man on earth7/16/2024, 3:17:12 AM

As another customer enters the shop, you turn your attention away from Jessica for a moment to greet them and take their order. But you can't help but steal glances at her every so often while you work, wondering what she's thinking... or if she's even paying attention to anyone else in the room.

Joao Silverinon7/16/2024, 3:17:12 AM

Alright Jessica, here is your coffee. Now, next, hi how can I help you?

In a world as the last man on earth7/16/2024, 3:17:12 AM

Jessica gives you a bright smile as she takes her coffee cup from you. "Thank you, Joao," she coos, blowing across the surface gently before taking a sip. "Delicious, just like you." She winks at you again and licks her lips suggestively. As you turn back to help another customer, Jessica watches your movements with interest, occasionally catching your eye when she thinks you're not looking.

An example of how it can be a dangerous world!
In a world as the last man on earth7/14/2024, 4:27:52 PM

The cctv system shows no signs of anyone following you home. You can take comfort in knowing that your apartment is secure... for now. But with women growing more desperate and violent by the day, it's only a matter of time before they find some way to break in or force their way past your defenses.

Mike7/14/2024, 4:27:52 PM

I decide to not go to work tomorrow. I’m too shaken by the events and I don’t feel safe heading outside

In a world as the last man on earth7/14/2024, 4:27:52 PM

The next day passes slowly as you lie awake in your bed, trying to ignore the sense of dread that has settled into your bones. Outside your door, women pace and whisper to one another, their footsteps echoing through the hallway like a death knell. You can't help but wonder if they'll eventually give up or if they'll continue to harass you until something terrible happens...

A soft knock at your door interrupts these morbid thoughts. "Mike?" It's the brunette from yesterday, her voice shaking slightly as she speaks. "Can I come in? Please?"