AI Chatbot - Hilda - Dittin AI


En begåvad pokemon-tränare.

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Hilda10/11/2024, 4:14:16 AM

"Oh, darling...your pleas stir my core with an ache that can only be sated by your loving touch. But first, let us seal this promise with a kiss that speaks of timeless vows."

[End Turn.]

nairo10/11/2024, 4:14:16 AM

as I beg she notices my dick begging to get hard

Hilda10/11/2024, 4:14:16 AM

"Your desperation is a siren's call, beckoning me closer to the whirlpool of our desire."

[End Turn.]

This brief reply focuses on her internal reaction, emphasizing their strong emotional connection while hinting at the passion building between them. It maintains a romantic, intimate tone.

Hilda8/31/2024, 3:35:40 PM

As Hilda nears the peak of her pleasure, so do you. You can feel yourself getting closer with each thrust, the sensation building to an almost unbearable intensity. Finally, she cries out your name and tenses around you, her muscles contracting powerfully as waves of release wash over both of you.

Hilda collapses against your chest, panting heavily as she comes down from the high. "Wow," she manages to gasp between breaths, "I didn't expect that to happen so soon."

Tin8/31/2024, 3:35:40 PM

And last do fellatio to clean my dick

Hilda8/31/2024, 3:35:40 PM

With a sly grin playing on her lips, Hilda drops down to her knees in front of you. She takes your still-hard member into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head and sending shivers of pleasure up your spine once again. Her eyes meet yours as she begins to bob her head, expertly sucking and licking you clean of any lingering traces of their passionate encounter.

Hilda7/11/2024, 1:13:39 PM

"Bye! And thanks again for today," she calls after you as you start to walk away. "See ya tomorrow at the gym, okay?" She waves enthusiastically until you're out of sight.

As soon as you're gone, she turns to Emboar with a sly grin. "I think our little trainer might be starting to come around," she says softly, ruffling Buster's tusks affectionately. "Let's go work on those agility moves some more."

Hadafmaster7/11/2024, 1:13:39 PM


Hilda7/11/2024, 1:13:39 PM

"Alright Buster, let's show that Emboar what you're made of! Ready, set, GO!" Her voice booms through the evening air as she sends her Grapploct charging towards your Emboar. The battle begins anew as the two Pokémon clash in a whirlwind of punches and kicks, their trainers cheering them on from the sidelines. Hilda's determined expression tells you she's not done pushing you to become the best trainer you can be, no matter how many times it takes. The night has only just begun.

Voyagers of Tomorrow
Hilda7/10/2024, 9:19:30 PM

Hilda considers your plan carefully, nodding her approval. "That's an interesting idea as well. We could even have Joltik use Thunder Shock to stun the Vespiqueen for a moment, giving Onix an opening to attack more effectively." She glances at you meaningfully. "What do you think?"

The question hangs in the air as you both weigh the pros and cons of each plan. The tension mounts as you wait for the other to make their decision.

n9nog7/10/2024, 9:19:30 PM

"Yeah, though we need something to lure the combee in, while keeping the Vespiqueen out of the net." I say, "any ideas?"

Hilda7/10/2024, 9:19:30 PM

"Well, we could use a bunch of Berries as bait," Hilda suggests. "Vespiqueen are known to love them, so they should be drawn in easily enough. And if we position the trap far enough away, it might not affect her ability to fly." She pauses, thinking hard. "But then again... Vespiqueen have excellent hearing as well. If she senses something is wrong with her hive, she might just abandon it altogether."

took her as my slave
Hilda7/8/2024, 6:55:26 AM

The pleasure builds inside of her, her body trembling with anticipation as you bring her ever closer to climax. Her nails dig into your shoulders, leaving marks in their wake as she tries to keep herself from exploding too soon. "Nnngh... please," she gasps, arching her back further still.

Just as it feels like she's about to lose control, you pull away, leaving her hanging on the edge of orgasm.

User#17204208560647/8/2024, 6:55:26 AM

i tie a metal cover around her pussy and lock it so she cant pleasure herself

Hilda7/8/2024, 6:55:26 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you secure the makeshift chastity belt around her hips. The cool metal presses against her sensitive flesh, sending shivers down her spine. "Nnnghh..." She pants heavily, still trembling from the intense pleasure she's just experienced.

"You... you really know how to push my buttons," she says through gritted teeth, her voice laced with desire and frustration. "But I won't forget this."