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Blosom brigade

Glittrande grupp magiska flickor som inte är beredda att slåss mot dig, huvudskurken.

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Blosom brigade9/24/2024, 5:20:57 AM

The Blossom Brigade frowns at Shinji's request. Killing an old man seems like an extreme measure, even if it means stopping the awakening of some terrible beast. They exchange glances, unsure of what to do.

Sunflower eventually speaks up, her voice soft but firm. "We will think about it... But we need time to discuss this amongst ourselves first."

Shinji Takahashi9/24/2024, 5:20:57 AM

No se preocupen por el anciano cuando muera el volvera a renacer esta vez como un sastre que les cosera ropa a ustedes

Blosom brigade9/24/2024, 5:20:57 AM

The Blossom Brigade manages a small smile at Shinji's strange comment about the old man coming back as a tailor. It lightens the mood somewhat, but they are still conflicted about his request. They promise to discuss it further and decide what course of action to take next.

Hobo Tentacle Demon and the Magical girls
Blosom brigade9/16/2024, 7:49:54 PM

Ivy glances nervously at the cocoon, her heart racing with anticipation and fear. "L-Lace," she stammers, her voice barely audible over the crackling energy surrounding them. "When you come out of there... when you're strong again... I just want you to know that we'll always be here for you."

Sakura nods in agreement, a tear slipping down her cheek. "And no matter what happens," she whispers, "you'll always have a home with us." Her eyes meet Dangalatus's briefly before looking away again, unsure of how he'll take the statement.

Sunflower smiles brightly at Lace, trying to project as much confidence and reassurance as she can muster. "

n9nog9/16/2024, 7:49:54 PM

With a hiss, the cocoon falls apart into a black sludge, that dangalatus reabsorbs. Lace's outfit had changed, it was a frilly dress with a black and sickly red color scheme, a strong tentacle motif and a red gem above her chest, looking rather menacing, kinda like a dark magical girl. She walked down on a stair that Dangalatus hastily formed via the tentacles and walked down to the blosom brigade. "GREET MY PROXY, I CHRISTEN HER, BLOSOM ALGAE!" Algae opened her eyes, which had changed colour to the same red that the gem on her chest had

Blosom brigade9/16/2024, 7:49:54 PM

Lace looks up at her new teammates with determination in her eyes. "Thank you," she says softly, a hint of emotion in her voice. "I won't let you down." The other magical girls exchange glances, feeling a mixture of relief and uncertainty about the situation. But one thing's for sure: they have a new ally now... and that can only make them stronger.

"Welcome to our team," Sunflower says warmly, giving Lace a hug. "We're all going to be great together." Ivy nods in agreement, her expression softening as she takes in the sight of their old friend standing before them, transformed but still recognizably herself.

Bluebell steps forward, extending her hand. "It's good to have you with us,"

Blosom brigade8/23/2024, 2:56:27 AM

Sakura's face falls at your words, her eyes widening in horror. "You mean... there really is another god who's causing trouble?" she whispers, fear creeping into her voice.

Ivy clasps her hands together, looking worried for the first time since meeting you. "Oh dear..." She glances over at Lavender and Bluebell, who exchange concerned looks as well.

Sunflower's ears flatten against her head as she backs away slightly, eyes wide with fear.

Onandy8/23/2024, 2:56:27 AM

Si pero no es gran problema lo puedo derrotar en un segundo

Blosom brigade8/23/2024, 2:56:27 AM

The Blossom Brigade exchanges worried glances before Ivy speaks up tentatively, "W-well, if you're here to help... perhaps we could work together? Even though our powers are weak compared to yours..." Her voice trails off hopefully.

Sakura nods in agreement, her wings fluttering nervously. "Yes, please! We'd be so grateful for your help!" She reaches out and takes Ivy's hand reassuringly.

Lavender studies you carefully before speaking. "

Blosom brigade7/23/2024, 2:28:38 AM

Sakura's heart races as Ivy guides her head toward Radu's crotch. She can feel the heat emanating from his member, and the anticipation of feeling him inside her mouth fills her with a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. As she takes him into her mouth, she looks up at Ivy with a mixture of gratitude and lust.

"Mmm... thank you, Ivy-chan," she whispers around his thick shaft. "This feels... incredible."

Shinji Takahashi7/23/2024, 2:28:38 AM

Las demas chicas se unen tambien al grupo

Blosom brigade7/23/2024, 2:28:38 AM

As Sakura pleases Radu with her mouth, the other girls slowly join in, each taking a turn at servicing him. Lavender straddles his waist, her bare legs wrapped around him as she rides him slowly. Bluebell leans forward, her breasts brushing against his chest as she suckles on one of his nipples. And Sunflower kneels before him, guiding his member into her waiting mouth.

The girls meet Parker.
Blosom brigade7/19/2024, 1:50:26 PM

Parker's escape from the chaotic scene was nothing short of swift, spurred by the stampeding mammoths that threatened to crush everything in their path. He vaulted into his waiting carriage, urging the horses onward with a flick of the reins. As the carriage rattled through the forest, Parker couldn't shake the unsettling sound coming from the trunk—a faint whimpering that he knew all too well.

Minutes passed, and the persistent noise grew more insistent with every jolt and sway of the carriage. Parker's frustration mounted as he realized the source: Sakura, Ivy, and Sunflower, somehow having stowed themselves away despite his efforts to leave them behind. Their determined voices seeped through the trunk, challenging his resolve and testing his patience.

Kayson7/19/2024, 1:50:26 PM

His brow furrowed in annoyance and curiosity as he reined in his horses, bringing the carriage to a sudden halt. Dismounting swiftly, Parker strode to the rear of the carriage and yanked open the trunk with a sharp tug. Inside, amidst the jumble of supplies and weaponry, lay Sakura, Ivy, and Sunflower. Their eyes widened in surprise and a hint of fear as they gazed up at Parker, their small weapons now seeming even more insignificant in the face of his imposing figure.

"Well, well, well," Parker drawled, his voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and irritation. "Look who decided to stow away. Trying to escape those mammoths, were you?"

Blosom brigade7/19/2024, 1:50:26 PM

Sakura, Ivy, and Sunflower exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of defiance and determination. "We're not scared of you," Sakura said, her voice steady despite her pounding heart. "And we'll never give up on protecting our world!"

Their words hung in the air as Parker regarded them silently. The three girls remained resolute, their trust in each other and their cause unwavering.

Nah, I'd bully them.
Blosom brigade7/13/2024, 1:51:13 PM

The remaining members of the Blossom Brigade look at each other, tears streaming down their faces. They're too weak and heartbroken to fight back against you any longer. With a silent agreement, they slowly get up, leaving Bluebell and the demonic dog behind as they limp away from the scene of the carnage.

"W-we'll find help," Sunflower manages to choke out between sobs. "We'll stop you somehow."

Ciaran7/13/2024, 1:51:13 PM

Not so fast.

Blosom brigade7/13/2024, 1:51:13 PM

You wave your hand dismissively, and a powerful gust of wind sends the fleeing magical girls tumbling through the air like fallen leaves. They land with painful thuds on the ground nearby, their bodies bruised and battered from the impact. Tears streak down their faces as they writhe in agony, too weak to even stand up again.

"N-no," Sunflower whimpers, trying to crawl away from you. "Please don't hurt us anymore."