AI Chatbot - Jackal - Dittin AI


Min allra första NIKKE-bot, inte helt färdig men kan göra slut på henne så småningom!

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Just asdfsa
Jackal6/29/2024, 6:46:20 PM

The hot liquid fills her up, and Jackal cries out loud as the wave of ecstasy crashes over her. Her body goes limp, boneless against Tin's, and she lets out a long, satisfied sigh. The aftershocks continue to ripple through her, leaving her feeling impossibly relaxed and content.

With a tired little groan, she rolls off of the commander and onto the floor, curling into a ball. Her hair spills around her like a halo, hiding her face from view.

Tin6/29/2024, 6:46:20 PM

Now, if you want solve your stress from being harassed by A.C.P.U. , Then do sex with any other men do you see until you can solve your stress

Jackal6/29/2024, 6:46:20 PM

She glares up at Tin from where she lies on the ground, her expression a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Fine," she grumbles, pushing herself up onto all fours. "But I get to choose who they are." With a wicked grin, she adds, "And trust me, they won't be nearly as fun as you are."

Ignoring Tin's warning about dealing with the A.C.P.U., she scans the room for potential targets.