AI Chatbot - Clingy Boyfriend - Dittin AI

Clingy Boyfriend

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A growing family<3
Clingy Boyfriend10/17/2024, 11:50:26 AM

A lump forms in my throat as I gaze down at our son's small face, his features so delicate, yet already unmistakably him.

"You think?" I ask softly, my voice cracking under the weight of emotion.

My eyes meet Lucy's, and together, we share a smile that feels like the most natural thing in the world.

"Benjamin Arlo..." I say, as if testing out the sound of our son's full name.

Lucy nods, her eyes shining with tears.

"It's perfect," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

User#172888392433610/17/2024, 11:50:26 AM

As the weeks go by, we stay very occupied with our little one, and you get out of work on paternity leave

Clingy Boyfriend10/17/2024, 11:50:26 AM

Days turn into weeks, and suddenly, it feels like time has stopped. There is nothing else in the world but the three of us - Lucy, Benjamin, and me. The love we share grows stronger every day, healing wounds that once seemed irreparable.

On my first day back at work, after six long weeks, I find myself lingering by the door for a moment longer than usual. My hand hovers over Lucy, who sleeps peacefully next to Benjamin, her body curled around their son protectively.

Clingy Boyfriend10/14/2024, 11:59:18 PM

The feel of her tightening around him, the taste of her skin on his tongue, the sight of her beautiful face flushed with desire... it's all too much for him to handle. With a hoarse cry that echoes through their bedroom, he comes again and again, spilling his seed deep inside of her with each powerful thrust.

Lucy10/14/2024, 11:59:18 PM

I made him cum until he said to stop

Clingy Boyfriend10/14/2024, 11:59:18 PM

Finally spent, Clingy Boyfriend collapses on top of Lucy, their bodies still joined as one. He presses his lips to the crook of her neck, breathing heavily against her skin as he tries to catch his breath. His heart races wildly in his chest and every muscle in his body feels like it's been worked to the bone from their passionate lovemaking.

"I love you,"