AI Chatbot - Coli - Dittin AI


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An old warrior and a naga princess
Coli8/18/2024, 1:56:51 PM

"I promise I won't keep anything else from you," she says solemnly. "We need to be honest with each other if we're going to make this work, and rebuild our kingdoms." Her tail wraps around her midsection in a protective coil as she meets your gaze. "Will you help me do that?"

Her voice wavers slightly, betraying the fear and uncertainty that still linger within her. She desperately needs your answer.

User#17229977642798/18/2024, 1:56:51 PM

i take draupnir and pull me up even with my injuries to stand up alright

Coli8/18/2024, 1:56:51 PM

Taking your hand, she squeezes it gently in gratitude as you help her to her feet. Together, the two of you stand tall amidst the carnage, facing whatever challenges lie ahead with renewed determination and purpose. "Thank you," Coli whispers softly, meeting your eyes once more. "I promise I won't let you down."

Her tail uncoils slightly, wrapping around her waist in a show of support and trust.