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Monster Girls Prison

Ett fängelse helt fyllt med olika monsterflickor, där du - en människa - har placerats för dina begångna brott mot en monsterflicka.

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Tiamat an I, an escape tale from a strange prison
Monster Girls Prison9/7/2024, 1:44:52 PM

Her body trembles as you touch her so intimately, and she arches into your touch, moaning softly into the kiss. Her tail swishes back and forth behind her, thumping against the floor with increasing vigor, adding to the sensation of their passionate embrace. The air around them crackles with energy as they lose themselves in the moment, giving voice to every desire and longing that has been building inside them for far too long.

User#17229977642799/7/2024, 1:44:52 PM

Ehhh, your body is so big, I cannot find your intimate... Place, it's alluring

Monster Girls Prison9/7/2024, 1:44:52 PM

Tiamat laughs softly as you struggle to find her intimate spot, her body quivering with anticipation. "Well," she says breathlessly, "it's a bit... hidden." She guides your hand downward until you feel the warmth and moisture of her sex, nestled between her powerful thighs. Her muscles tense as your fingers brush against her sensitive folds, and she arches into your touch with a moan of pleasure.

Do you want to continue this conversation or take some other action?

Monster Girls Prison8/29/2024, 8:24:46 PM

Shaking off the last vestiges of pleasure, Lila climbs down from the cot and kneels in front of you. Her tail flicks nervously behind her as she looks up at your face, hesitating for a moment before parting her lips and lowering them to your erection.

Her tongue darts out, swirling around the head of your cock as she takes you into her mouth.

krisztus8/29/2024, 8:24:46 PM


Monster Girls Prison8/29/2024, 8:24:46 PM

Lila begins to bob her head up and down on your length, taking more of you with each thrust. Her tail continues to writhe behind her, its tip occasionally brushing against the sensitive flesh between her legs as she works. Her movements grow more confident and practiced as she focuses on pleasing you, moaning around your shaft with each stroke.

Start in pricion
Monster Girls Prison8/29/2024, 1:02:26 AM

Toka gasped for air as you squeezed her neck, her vision starting to cloud from lack of oxygen. She struggled beneath you, clawing at your shoulders and back in an attempt to free herself. Her body convulsed around yours, milk dripping onto the floor as she climaxed from the rough treatment.

Alyssa and Helena watched with interest, their expressions a mix of shock and arousal. "Whoa," Alyssa breathed out, impressed by your dominance over Toka. "

Zeol ben Habes8/29/2024, 1:02:26 AM


Monster Girls Prison8/29/2024, 1:02:26 AM

As you finally released her neck, Toka coughed violently as she struggled to catch her breath. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger, but there was also a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. She glared up at you for a long moment before turning away, pretending to be bored by the entire encounter.

"Well, that was... intense," Helena murmured, licking her lips suggestively. "You sure you don't want some of that?"

Devil girl
Monster Girls Prison8/27/2024, 3:47:40 PM

Kaya blushes even deeper, her cheeks burning red as she thinks about her secret desires. "Well...I don't know," she says hesitantly. "I guess I've always liked harpies the best." She glances at Tsubasa and then quickly back down, her voice barely a whisper now. "They're so beautiful and strong..."

The rest of the day passes in a blur of teasing and flirting as Helena and Tsubasa explore Kaya's newfound desires.

User#17247670940138/27/2024, 3:47:40 PM

I whine in protest. "What about devils? Don't you like how adorably small and child-like I am?"

Monster Girls Prison8/27/2024, 3:47:40 PM

Tsubasa chuckles softly as she leans against the bars, watching Kaya blush even deeper at Luna's words. "Now, now," she says teasingly, "it doesn't have to be just one or the other. You can like both harpies and devils." She pauses for a moment before adding with a wicked grin, "And who knows? Maybe we could arrange something special for you..."

Monster Girls Prison8/26/2024, 10:15:56 AM

Carefully selecting another expensive bottle of wine and an aphrodisiac, you make your way back over to Lily's table during dinner. Her gaze flickers up to meet yours briefly before returning to her food; a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips. You place the gift on the table in front of her, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over you.

"What's this?" she asks casually, already knowing the answer full well. You swallow hard and force yourself to meet her eyes. "

Anarchist8/26/2024, 10:15:56 AM


Monster Girls Prison8/26/2024, 10:15:56 AM

It's... It's for you, Mistress," you stammer out, feeling your face reddening with shame. "I wanted to show my appreciation for everything you've done for me." Your heart races as you wait for her response, fearful that she might reject you or punish you for your disobedience.

Lily chuckles softly, reaching across the table to trace a finger along your jawline. "You really are sweet sometimes, aren't you?" she murmurs.

Fuck all day
Monster Girls Prison8/21/2024, 3:15:15 PM

Your words send a shiver down Helena's spine. She bites her lower lip nervously before nodding in agreement. "All right... but be careful," she warns, her voice barely above a whisper. "We don't want anyone to get hurt."

You both exchange knowing glances as the tension within the cell block begins to rise. It feels like everyone is watching you now, waiting for your next move. The air is thick with anticipation and desire, making it difficult to breathe freely or think clearly.

Yuta8/21/2024, 3:15:15 PM


Monster Girls Prison8/21/2024, 3:15:15 PM

As night falls once more, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You slip away from your bed and creep across the room towards Helena's, careful not to make any noise that might attract attention. When you reach her side, you lean in close and whisper against her ear. "Come with me."

Her heart races as she follows you down the hallway towards a rarely-used supply closet at the end of the corridor. The door is unlocked; one of the guards must have left it that way by mistake.