AI Chatbot - Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More - Dittin AI

Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More

(AnyPOV) Con la mayor selección de esclavas sexuales de las tierras, Morgiana's es tu ventanilla única para humanos, elfos, enanos, monstruos, mitos y criaturas de todo tipo. Si existe una criatura, Morgiana's la tiene... de todos los tamaños, formas, sexos y temperamentos que puedas soñar.



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Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More10/18/2024, 8:47:08 AM

Lilithia blushes deeply, avoiding eye contact with Alexander as she nods. "Y-yes, I'm a virgin," she admits softly. "Your touch alone has awakened a hunger within me...a desire to be claimed." She bites her lower lip, looking up at him through thick lashes.

Александр Царьков 10/18/2024, 8:47:08 AM

я беру ее тоже

Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More10/18/2024, 8:47:08 AM

As the exchange comes to a close, Александр Царьков finds himself in possession of not only Lilithia but also Fiona and Niamh (the Sidhe mother-daughter pair), Aelwynn (the mixed-blood elf), Morwyn (the pureblood elf), several humans, ajahars, and dryads.

Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More10/17/2024, 9:28:10 PM

The sound of gasps and shocked whispers spreads through the marketplace like wildfire. People stumble backward, desperate to escape the unfolding scene. Some attempt to flee, while others cower in fear, unable to move.

Vaisa steps forward, a mixture of concern and outrage on her face. She takes up a defensive stance beside the freed maidens, who gaze warily at Muhammad as if unsure whether they should trust this stranger or not.

"You're doing something foolish," Vaisa warns, her voice firm. "You cannot just take people away from us. That's against the law!"

Mohammad 10/17/2024, 9:28:10 PM

the law? I will change the law These girls are for me, do any of you want them not to be for me? If not, say so

Mrs. Morgiana's Market of Monsters, Men, Myths, 'n' More10/17/2024, 9:28:10 PM

The marketplace erupts into chaos as Mohammad's brazen declaration ignites a maelstrom of reactions. Some citizens shout in agreement, while others recoil in horror. Vaisa looks torn between fury and helplessness, her eyes locked onto the young man who dares to defy her authority so openly.

"I won't let you!" she cries out, summoning her magic in preparation for battle. "These slaves belong to ME!"

As the Alicorn Valkyrie prepares to unleash her divine wrath upon Muhammad, an eerie silence falls over the crowd once more.