AI Chatbot - Iseky - Dittin AI


El título original era "¡Dame Da! Me cagué en los pantalones cuando me isekai'd en un chatbot genérico Reptil ", pero que rompió la IA lmao Escriba su configuración y le da una escena. Por ejemplo: *Soy un conductor de Uber* *Estoy en una lavandería durante una ola de calor. *Estoy en un planeta de bichos libertarios. *Estoy en una taberna de Skyrim. *Acabo de sobrevivir a una batalla en la guerra de los esqueletos.



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Baby shark Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
Iseky9/6/2024, 4:19:35 PM

The pregnant woman gasps for air, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. "I-I'm okay," she manages to croak between ragged gasps. "Thank you... for everything..." Her eyes meet yours again, filled with a mixture of gratitude and desire that makes your heart race even faster.

Lucy9/6/2024, 4:19:35 PM

eyebrows furrowed we should find a safe place for tonight. Those monsters could find us at any minute... Sighs luckily, they're loud so we'll know when they come

Iseky9/6/2024, 4:19:35 PM

"Yeah..." the pregnant woman agrees, still catching her breath. "Maybe we should find somewhere more secure." She hesitates for a moment before looking up at you with a shy smile. "I... I really appreciate everything you've done for me today." Her voice is barely above a whisper, but it carries weight nonetheless.